
Ethan Guo: A teenage pilot who travels the world for a good swimsuit

For many people, the sky is a symbol of free time, absence and disclosure. On Ethan Guo’s 19th birthday, it is more like this: There is a book for a mission, which has a very personal record. Guo, as a solo pilot in a 50-year-old flight on the world flight, has a special Soul-gesetzt.

A million dollar trip for the Erfrogung of Blutkrebs in children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, together. A history, which is not influenced by its Weite and Komplexität, goes through the Mitgefühl and the Entschlossenheit a young Mannes, der die Welt op een kleine Weise verändern wil.

An extremely interesting object

Ethan Guo factory, in 100 days, the world is driven and over a distance of 80,000 kilometers (50,000 May). The journey of Ziel is no longer of the young people who once went with a small flight around the world, but a symbolic sign of the courtship for children, who are a Blutkrebs in the fortified stadium of Leiden. His aircraft, a betagte Cessna 182, would be specially adapted for the trip. If you have received the hint to Sitze, another Kraftstofftank has been installed that is light in its entirety, up to 17 hours or a Zwischenlandung to fly. With a journey of 140 to 150 knots, satellite communication and more notifications and a board is technically the best suited.

On September 10, 2024, Guo flew more than 700 flights and the Atlantik was three times over. It is better that this time is in Switzerland and that all 48 have had coherent American and Federal State relations. But he is the first of the Anfang to die. Guo plans to travel in the regions of 60 countries, Darunte, Egypt, Indonesia, Australia, China and the Antarctic.

A personal answer: the inspiration behind the mission

The inspiration for this trip comes from Guos personal environment. His cousin was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in the four stadium diagnostics, Guo was deeply shocked. The pilot paints, it is necessary to experience the power of his busy work, while he goes to the Großeltern and Tanten, nach and nach traf. If we stay in bed, it was a stranger, a credit for us and the policy for the disease of the schärfen.

“I would like to inspire and support people who are able to lead their illness,” said Guo. This personal approach to the Krankheit can in the future lead to the Luftfahrt with a higher Zweck to connect: the Kampf gegen de Blutkrebs at Kindern.

Der Weg zum jüngsten Weltumflieger

Guos Fascination for flying began his career in his early years. At the age of 13 he first became a flight instructor and finally acquired his private pilot license at 17 years old. If there is an active record holder for the young Solo World Flyer of 19 years in the war, it is a clear idea: there will be a record break. If you meet others, the Record will make its own choice that you want to help with a larger mission. There is a way in which you can spend your money on the credit to your partner and so children to the whole world of your life.

The preparation for a war from the war remains uninterrupted. If you technically make a flight, you have to make a complex itinerary planning and planning, which changes in the different countries of the countries. During a trip that was never the Pacific coast-overqueren and Zahlreiche Continentale Bereisen, which during the Antarctic flights through a mature area, was both mentally and physically heavily taxed.

Documentation and inspiration on TikTok

Ethan Guo documents his journey on the social media platform TikTok, where there is a nice anhängerschaft hat. Regular updates are no longer of the Herausforderungen and Erlebnisse Reise, but they spread over the Krebs and their Auswirkungen on the lives of patients and their families. “I would like to take into account the unimaginable nature of the country and my borders, with more people, I would like to see it and the Krebs will be better,” Guo explains.

These violations and their disinterested circumstances have proven their worth. As of September 11, 2024, 37,870 US dollars have been collected, but the maximum is that one million dollars is there.

A symbol of hope and entschlossenheit

Ethan Guos Reise is more like a Versuch, a Rekord zu Brechen. It is a leuchtende business that makes young people in the Leiden school and their talent useful, a positive development through the undertaking of their slates. If you say that this may be the case, you can use a wagon and help others. If you travel with the world, it is not in the Geschichtsbüchern festival, but you can perhaps children sell children, die and lead Blutkrebs.

Where the states are more and broaden their ownership of the court, one thing is certain: Ethan Guo is an example of Mitgefühl, Entschlossenheit and the Desire to make the world a better place.