
Bürgergeld und Miete – Was übernimmt the Job Center in the big city?

Bürgergeld und Miete – Was übernimmt the Job Center in the big city?

If the citizen money is considered, the money is no longer eligible for the account überwiesen. The Jobcenter is located in the Regel on die Miete. The bottom line is that this is a bad thing. If you are aware of the city of the higher limits or target values, the cost of the home will be increased. In most cases, you act as one of the most brutal people. It is the cost for the small costs that you make. Heating costs are not expensive.

And if the city is no longer separated from the height of the existing services, the Jobcenter is expanded. If most people do that, it depends on an individual whether a part of the Jobcenter gets to work, nor can the company get another job.

In this article you will find the active target values ​​and upper limits of the large German city (gemessen and housing).

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Berlin

The Hauptstadt is located on the Spitze der Einwohnerzahlen: the Federal Statistical Office will run 3.755 million people in Berlin in 2022. Das Jobcenter Berlin Mitte gibt auf seiner Website Auskunft über die richtwerte der “AV Wohnen” bij de Bruttokaltmiete für leistungsberechtigte Sozialhilfeempfänger:

  • Each person costs €449.00. Beim “sozialen Wohnungsbau” is worth 494.00 Euro.

  • For two persons, the price is 543.40 Euro. Beim “sozialen Wohnungsbau” is worth 598.00 Euro.

  • For three persons the target value is 668.80 Euro. For “social housing” the value is 736.00 Euro.

  • For four persons the target value is 772.40 Euro. For “social housing” it is at a value of 828.00 Euro.

  • At fünf Personen the Richtwert is 903.72 Euro. Beim “sozialen Wohnungsbau” is available for 994.50 Euro.

  • For each person a supplementary amount of 106.32 Euro is paid. For “social housing” is a value of 117.00 Euro.

There is talk of a verschiedene Ausnahmen, when the direction of this direction is rechnet. Beispielsweise then, wenn ansonsten Wohnungslosigkeit droht. If you want to reduce costs, you will be affected by your current partner Jobcenter.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Hamburg

With around 1.89 million people, Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany. On the official website of the Hanseatic city you can find out about civil society, how the general measures for social security rights apply (as of April 2024):

  • For one person the guideline value is Euro 573.00.

  • For two persons, the price is 693.60 Euro.

  • For three persons, the price is 813.00 Euro.

  • The price for four people is Euro 980.10.

  • For fünf Personen the Richtwert is 1,361.85 Euro.

  • For each person concerned, the price is 1,545.60 Euro.

  • An amount of Euro 193.20 is paid for each person.

If we see the Stadt Hamburg, it is so that the Grenze can go through the Zuschläge. These hang on the jewelry city or the jewelry Lebenssituatie ab.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Munich

Munich is the largest city of the Landes – after all. Please check the Job Center here for more information about the costs for your assistance with social security benefits. These dates will start on January 1, 2024 and will be available on the official website of the Stadt München einsehbar:

  • For a person with a living area of ​​50 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 849.00.

  • For two persons with a living area of ​​65 quadratmeters, the maximum value is 1,092.00 euros.

  • For three people with a home size of 75 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 1,286.00.

  • For four people with a living area of ​​90 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 1,569.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​105 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,939.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​120 square meters, the income limit is Euro 2,188.00.

  • Each person cost 310.00 Euro for each 15 quadratmeter.

Citizen money: Mietobergrens in Cologne

Auch in Cologne is the Job Center of the Miete für leistungsberechtigte Sozialhilfeempfänger. On the website of Jobcenters Köln, the approximate limits can be found in any case (as of April 2024).

  • For a person with a living area of ​​50 square meters, the income limit is Euro 651.00.

  • For two persons with a living area of ​​65 quadratmeters, the average value limit is 788.00 euros.

  • For three people with a living area of ​​80 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 939.00.

  • For four people with a living area of ​​95 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 1,095.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​110 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,251.00.

  • For your next person, 15 quadratmeters cost 158.00 euros anyway.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Frankfurt am Main

On January 1, 2024, the Mietober limits will be changed in Frankfurt am Main. This is open on the Jobcenter Frankfurt website. Follow the Angemessenheitsgrens gelten bei der Miete in Frankfurt am Main:

  • For one person the minimum income is 786 euros.

  • For two people you pay the Angemessenheitsgrenze 903 Euro.

  • For three people you pay the Angemessenheitsgrenze 1078 Euro.

  • For four people you pay the Angemessenheitsgrenze 1219 Euro.

  • For five persons the minimum payment is 1360 euros.

  • For each person, the legal limit is 1501 Euro.

  • For persons who pay the Angemessenheitsgrenze 1641 Euro.

  • For eight people the minimum income limit is 1782 Euro.

  • For new persons, the entry threshold of 1923 Euro applies.

  • At zehn Personen the maximum value is 2063 euros.

  • The minimum consumption limit for each person is set at 199 euros.

Citizen money: Mietobergrens in Stuttgart

The Kesselstadt Stuttgart has set the Obergrenzen for the first time. It is a question of a quadrilateral to the orientation. These are displayed on the website of the city of Stuttgart.

  • For a person with a living area of ​​45 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 566.00.

  • For two persons with a living area of ​​65 quadratmeters, the average value limit is 670.00 euros.

  • For three people with a home size of 75 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 780.00.

  • For four people with a living area of ​​90 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 923.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​105 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,045.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​120 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,300.00.

  • For your next person, the price of 15 quadratmeters was in any case 162.50 euros.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Düsseldorf

With around 629 thousand residents (as of 2022), Düsseldorf is on the list of the largest cities in Germany. On the city’s official website, the target market for social security contributions is affordable.

  • For a person with a living area of ​​50 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 528.00.

  • For two persons with a living area of ​​65 quadratmeters, the average value limit is 610.00 euros.

  • For three people with a home size of 80 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 750.00.

  • For four people with a living area of ​​95 square meters, the living allowance limit is Euro 969.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​110 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,273.00.

  • For your next person, 15 quadratmeters cost 174.00 euros anyway.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Leipzig

In Leipzig the Mietrichtwerte is not so high, in the rest of the country. At least the Durchschnittsmieten in the Saxon city appear in the comparison of other large cities. On the website of the city of Leipzig you follow the guidelines for the gross calf temperature for people with a healthy condition:

  • Each person pays €345.79.

  • For both persons the price is 450.00 Euro.

  • For three persons the target value is Euro 586.63.

  • For four people the price is Euro 671.44.

  • At fünf Personen the Richtwert is 753.54 Euro.

  • For each person a supplementary fee of 79.33 Euro is paid.

About us: If citizen money will be a Minijob hat, the best rule can be on the beach. This is the only way to limit the service boundaries.

Citizen money: Mietobergrens in Dortmund

On the 9th place of the great cities of Germany lies Dortmund. The Jobcenter Dortmund has launched a website that covers the Angemessenheitsgrenzen bei der Miete. If you make a purchase, this is one of the costs that you make. This is the guideline for the possibilities for social benefits:

  • Each person costs €570.00.

  • For two persons, the price is 690.00 Euro.

  • For three persons, the price is 820.00 Euro.

  • For four persons the target value is Euro 1040.00.

  • With five persons the price is 1230.00 Euro.

  • For each person concerned, the price is 1310.00 Euro.

Citizen money: Mietobergrens in Essen

Mit Essen op de Platz is North Rhine-Westphalia in the Bundesland with the most large cities in the Bundesweiten Top 10. A city that is on the higher borders on January 1, 2024. Aware of the social security rights that the city informs on its website, how it can also be found in the following cases:

  • Each person costs €435.00.

  • For two persons, the price is €547.95.

  • For three persons the target value is Euro 680.00.

  • The price for four people is Euro 819.85.

  • At fünf Personen the Richtwert is 971.30 Euro.

  • For each person concerned, the price is 1066.80 Euro.

  • For persons the target value is Euro 1155.70.

  • For eight persons the target value is Euro 1226.40.

  • For new persons the target value is Euro 1264.50.

  • 84.30 Euro is paid for each person.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Bremen

Place 11 of the great German cities is the Hanseatic city of Bremen. Who is here for the citizen money business, can do a number of things on the website of the job centers in Bremen:

  • Each person pays 537 euros.

  • For two persons the target value is 560 euros.

  • For three persons the target value is 696 euros.

  • For four people the price is Euro 789.

  • At fünf Personen the Richtwert is 973 Euro.

  • For each person concerned, the amount is 1074 Euro.

  • For persons who are committed to Richtwert 1175 Euro.

  • An amount of 101 Euro is paid for each person.

The city benefits from the Jobcenter Bremen and a “Wohnzuschlag” of its own kind. These buildings are located in the Bremer Stadtteilen Blockland, Borgfeld, Findorff, Horn-Lehe, Mitte, Neustadt, Oberneuland, Obervieland, Östliche Vorstadt, Schwachhausen, Seehausen and Strom.

Citizen money: Mietober borders in Constance

Konstanz would not remain in the big city of Germany – but with around 85 Tausend Einwohnern is the largest city on Lake Constance. On the website you will find the Jobcenter Auskunft, where the Mietobergrenzen in Konstanz and the most common areas are. For the Stadt Konstanz the following Mietobergrenzen apply:

  • For a person with a living area of ​​45 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 533.00.

  • For two persons with a living area of ​​60 quadratmeters, the average value limit is 654.00 euros.

  • For three people with a home size of 75 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 786.00.

  • For four people with a living area of ​​90 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 921.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​105 square meters, the household income limit is Euro 1,066.00.

  • For persons with a living area of ​​120 square meters, the income limit is Euro 1,220.00.

  • For your next person, 15 quadratmeters cost 154.00 euros anyway.