
Ring Rast in Insolvenz schlittert

Ring Rast in Insolvenz schlittert


Das Hotel-Restaurant Ring Rast is bankrupt. The external bodies have a sanitary treatment based on the own management of the Landesgericht Leoben.

Ring is a great hotel with 32 Zimmern and 104 Betten as well as a restaurant, bar and shop. The combined relationship is based on the sustainability of events and major changes.

Overdebtedness in the amount of millions of euros

Affected by the insolvenz since 23 services and a 63rd glaubiger. The debt burden amounts to two million euros. Das Unternehmen has een Sanierungsplanquote van 20 Prozent, zahlbar innerhalb von zwei Jahren vom Tag der Annahme des Sanierungsplanvorschlages an. This concerns the Kreditschutzverbände KSV1870 and the Alpenländischer Kreditorenverband (AKV) mit.

With the insolvency of the ring, an excess of shares, the safe investor, financing in financing, a market economy and a strong financial enterprise. high/stale Fixkosten an.