
So schützen Sie Ihre Pflanzen

So schützen Sie Ihre Pflanzen

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Roses are the shield of many gardens, but it is a trap for Schädlinge and Illnesses. There are some tips and tricks you can use.

For garden enthusiasts, it is the rose of their garden. If you are broke, deiht and an old Duft verströmt, it is a Zeichen for a green Daumen. But Schädlinge und Rosenkrankheiten können diesen erfolg schnell zunichtemachen. Aber der Gärtner may not warm up and the Pflanze ausreissen. There are a number of strategies and strategies that will criticize or prevent the Rosenkrankheiten and Schädlings, if the Rosen have happened at all.

Schädlinge der Rosen – wie Sie Läuse, Wespen und Zikaden bekämpfen

Rosen is the Auschänschild of the Gartens. So illnesses and injuries could be avoided.
Rosen is the Auschänschild of the Gartens. So illnesses and injuries could be avoided. © Image

Here it is a fact that the roses in the garden have been robbed and for a real herausforderung-darstelling. The highest value in the German rose gardens is laut the Große Rosenblattlaus (Macrosiphum rosae). These small green credits, which now measure up to four millimeters in size, can cause damage to the countryside. If you are in Trieben, Blüten and Knospen, you can enjoy the Pflanze with its klebrigen Ausscheidungen. Darüber was vermehren sich Blattläuse schnell en grim, was his Bekämpfung erschwert.

Another Schädling, the problem that occurs, is the Rosenblatt issue. This is your Egg treatment on the Underside of Rosenblättern ab. If these snails are then a large centimetre, the leaf cutting is carried out. As soon as the larvae are grown out, they lay their egg on the rose ab. The rose blight is smaller and extends over the egg in the herbs in the Rinde der Rose ab. I follow Frühjahr snails the yellow-green larvae. A zikade attack is a bigger or bigger problem than the Blättern that you acknowledge.

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It is possible that you have a rosehip lice, wasps and pests, which are available in the Pflanzenfachgeschäft or online. If you have a product of a product for eight years, it is friendly and sensuous, one of those useful ones that never a vertreiben or gar je toten is. A home remedy against Schädlinge is laut a mixture of reiner schmierseife (200 milliliters) and water (1 liter). The Pflanze is so fully prepared that the Schädlinge is abzutöten.

Recognize and treat Pilzkrankheiten and Rosen

If roses come across in the secret garden of Schädlingen, you can lead one of the plant diseases. The high quality is from the stern, if you see Flecken on the leaf-marking power. This rose disease attacks the plant so much, that they your leaves from themselves wander and without treatment with a pill fighting remedy abstain dry.

When the Rose von Mehltau falls, another of Blätter’s pillzerkrankung is a fact. Während Sternrußtau kühlere und feuchte Bedingungen bevorzugt, tritt Echter and a Falscher Mehltau eher at schwüler Witterung auf. Mehltau is a small amount of fungi artigen that is somehow recognized.

If the Flecken on the Blättern is dark nor white again, it will rot, acts like a Rosenrost. This Rosenkrankheit is not heartwarming, the Sporen vom Wind are expanded. If this disease occurs, because it all happened in a wet period, an anti-pilzmittel is discussed.

Rosen gegen Schädlinge und Krankheiten wappnen

If it is prevented that the roses have been removed, Schädlingen and Pflanzenkrankheiten can be treated with their own individual health problems. Erste Schritt ist Auswahl der Richtige Rosensorte: Laut an ideal man for roses with ADR-prädikat buy, also plants, which were tested by the German rose newness test as well as robust and wider standenfähig. If you like to search, you can sort the jewelry in the living region in the best way.

The right position plays a role: Rose is a good place in the bottom of a safe and a dust-free place. It is not possible that there is no control and that there is regular guessing. Also the choice of plant night barn is tough. So make profit with the plant for example of rose. Lavender is one of the few ingredients that can increase the taste of roses for rose, which has been praised all other Ansprüche and the Environment states as Rosen.