
Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

The action of MDAX and TecDAX concluded Halbleiterkonzerns Aixtron (ISIN: DE000A0WMPJ6) has lost 68 percent more than two thirds of its prizes at the beginning of 2024. If the action started after a positive report from the Mitbewerbers on 11.9.24, a new amount of 13.82 euros has fallen at war, but the volatile action can take place at an active level of 15.85 euros.

If you are a corkscrew who has a fehl interpretation of the message of an infineon handle, and the active corkscrew is used for trading, the Warburg Research expert is assessed with a cork of 27.50 euros per hour Purchase inspection for the Aixtron-Aktie. Can the Action start in the following week with a purchase of maximum 17.60 Euro, of which you are informed on 30.8.04, then an investment in long-term products is possible.

Call options with Strike from 16 Euro

The BNP Paribas-Call-Optionsschein on the Aixtron-Action with Basic price 16 Euro, Bewertungstag 20.12.24, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000PG3N7F5, was worth Aixtron-Aktienkurs from 15.85 Euro with 0.19 – 0.20 Euro acted.

If you use the internal service of a second home of 17.60 Euro, you can pay the call price for a price of 0.30 Euro (+50 Percent) on the jetty.

Open End Turbo Call with base price and KO market for 14.20 Euro

The UBS Open End Turbo Call on the Aixtron Promotion with basic price and KO Mark for 14.20 Euro, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000UP0HMT6, was priced for Aixtron-Kurs from 15.85 Euro with 0.188 – 0.198 Euro taxiing .

If the Aixtron stock is at 17.60 Euro in the next Zeit, then the inflow of Turbo Calls will increase by 0.34 Euro (+72 Percent) – if the Aixtron stock is no longer on the KO Market or other Darunter.

Open End Turbo Call with base price and KO market from 13,221 Euro

The Morgan Stanley Open End Turbo Call on the Aixtron Action with base price and KO Mark for 13.221 Euro, BV 1, ISIN: DE000MG6JP78, was quoted for the Aixtron Course of 15.85 Euro with 2.89 – 2.94 Euro.

When purchasing the Aixtron stock at 17.60 Euro, the internal value of Turbo Calls is found at 4.37 Euro (+49 Percent).

This agreement does not constitute any recommendation for the purchase or sale of Aixtron-Aktien or of Hebel products on Aixtron-Aktien. No transfer of ownership is possible for the direction of the data.

Walter Kozubek