
Nächster Schicksalsschlag for Claudia & Robert von “Freiheit im Gepäck”

Nächster Schicksalsschlag for Claudia & Robert von “Freiheit im Gepäck”

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be so good for us”, Claudia and Robert, better known as “Freedom in the Pack”, report on my Instagram account on Wort. If you post a video, this is Crush Power. The couple has a positive test in hand – but it comes differently as erwartet.

Elf Tage for the Geburt starb Baby Matti in Mutterleib

“After Mattis Tod can reach an even larger number of people, he will do the Hoffnung on a small rainbow in the last two weeks,” writes the Influencer Couple. In April, Claudia and Robert from “Freedom in a Suit” have to experience the scenes of Schicksalsschlag, where the Eltern experiences can be: Neither before the Geburt starb ihr whole plötzlich and unerwartet. The thoughts of the little Matti hörte noch in Mutterleib auf zu schlagen. Nur eleven Tage vor dem errechneten Geburttermin (April 20).

Der Grund: “Plötzlicher Kindstod im Mutterleib or der intrauteriner Fruchttod nennt man es, wenn es keinen Grund gibt – so wie es übrigens bei sometimes still Geburten der Fall ist. Sein Herz hat aufgehört zu schlagen”, ließen siehre Fans Erase Wochen später.

One of the following misfortunes: my fresh enthusiasm has not been restored “intact”.

Traurige Nachrichten by Claudia & Robert von “Freiheit im Gepäck”

“It is not yet a baby, now there is a fruit… It is not possible, but it is not yet developed, but it is completely invisible.” Once the time comes, the goose is made for both. The wool wool fabric is not loose. Claudia Schreibt: “We sincerely enjoy our lives, since we are happy, but we can still read the headlines and see who we are in the last few days, but we are happy with them as well: All good things since 3 oder nicht…. Thank you very much.” I don’t know anything, that’s just me.”