
18 years after major fahndung in Konstanz

18 years after major fahndung in Konstanz

Constance/Kreuzlingen – The police arrived at night with a large amount of bone in Konstanz after a large guard and quickly arrived in the safe vicinity.

There is a large amount of money in the Donnerstagabend in the Kreis Konstanz after a young Mann. (Symbol image)

There is a large amount of money in the Donnerstagabend in the Kreis Konstanz after a young Mann. (Symbol image) © Friso Gentsch/dpa

18 years ago, the police and the state bank began to live in a psychological situation and would become a severe psychiatry tomorrow.

Let the Swiss politicians inform the German universities in Konstanz about a hoax in Münsterlingen (Kanton Thurgau), where the police are mitteilt.

A young man will make a dish with a waffle and then be flung. If there is a first task, a convenient location in Konstanz is very good, the police presidency of Konstanz is a driving after the age of 18.

Mann has a purse and has 1000 Euro with EC card from: Mutmaßlicher Dieb geschnappt!
Mann has a purse and has 1000 Euro with EC card from: Mutmaßlicher Dieb geschnappt!

Währenddessen versuchte der 18-Jährige laut Staatsanwaltschaft in een Konstanzer Hotel einzuchecken, in dem ereits die Nacht zuvor hatte. The fact is that the hotelier makes another booking. If all goes well, it’s a matter of 18 minutes to make a waffle that turns out this good. Laut Polizei flüchtete der young Mann dann with an E-Roller in Richtung Kreuzlingen.

In the 18th century, a great party and an end to psychiatry were brought to the prison of the Krankenhausse Konstanz. A Waffe hate is no longer from the Polizei.