
Transgender Streit in Ireland | That Tagespost

Transgender Streit in Ireland | That Tagespost

In Ireland, the Konflikt schlägt een transgender gegner Enoch Burke abermals hohe Wellen. During the last week, Burke was rejected as being a real school protester. Damit verstieß is richtliche aflagen. Is in the evangelical ex-Lehrer in Mountjoy-Gefängnis in Dublin, where he managed Mal. At the end of the day there was a demonstration in front of the Haftanstalt and in front of the public. The Fall splashes the Nation and the international Schlagzeilen force.

Die Schulleitung suspended ihn

It all started more than two years ago, at the Burke Schule, at the Wilson’s Hospital School, a Schüler as ‘Transgender’ contemplated. The debtor can take the blame, the Schüler at the “Transition” of the unterstützen. If you use the gender-neutral Pronomen “they/them” (three person plural) and use ansprechen in a new name. Burke refuses sich. The Lehrer, one of the evangelical-conservative families with the tribe of the Geschwistern, protested against that time, was a ‘teuflische ideology of transgenderism’. The wider spread of the Christian Glauben. In the Bible it is now Mann and Frau, and the ‘Trans-Lobby’ troop Kinder ins Unglück, criticism of Burke.

If the conflict with the debt relief lasts longer, you suspend it in the debtor. The use of other components can be changed even further. Burke then opposes an einstweilige Verfügung, the debt holders do not come closer. Think of a direction in September 2022 in time. In 2023, Burke protested against the school in the central Irish County Westmeath and ended up in Haft. And now for the third time. More than 400 days have been spent in prison. The gun is “a formidable place”, says it.

Transgender ideology broader ethics of the Church

The TV channel Sky News said it was a broadcast that raged, there is a promise as the light, weiter service as teacher to tun. His school pays you and weiterhin. The transgender ideology that the ethics of the Church of Ireland more widely spread, at Wilson’s Hospital School robbed Burke. Waiting in the police for the school abducted, filmed trailers and family members. If you block puberty, the child victims die. After the blessing in the direction of a Dublin judge has gone, Burke says he “gets the chance to enjoy”. Was I geschehe, sei een Vermottung der Justitie.

Never again see Burke as an art martyr in the fight against transgender issues, for his right to free speech and for his Christian dedication to enjoy his life. If there is a brutal word, Rugby star Simon Zebo uses support at X; after a shitstorm the post is gone. Other criticisms Burke and his family as religious provocateurs and provocateurs, who deliberately disregard targeted anomalies. “Burke is not a martyr to freedom of speech,” writes the columnist of the “Irish Independent”, Ian O’Doherty. The journalist mocked that he had noted Burke as ‘a soldier for Christ’ when he styled the ‘power of the Boss’.

Now Burke is also in Mountjoy Prison. Protesters came at the age of 20 in front of the Haftanstalt and shouted “Free Enoch now”. “There is nothing happening here – there is no Krimineller, there is a Christian postcard. There is a family that has an intensive interest in the transgender discussion, while the Boulevardzeitung “Irish Mirror” is an anonymous Quelle from the Haftanstalt, which has Burke on a hanging hat. On October 11, Burke was dort, then he found the next Anhörung-statt.

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