
A new Hochhaus for Ulm-Wiblingen has been planned

A new Hochhaus for Ulm-Wiblingen has been planned

The Ulmer Stadtteil Wiblingen is a new “City Entrance” there. An der Kreuzung Wiblinger Ring / Ecke Reutlinger Straße is a children’s group with children’s and family center entstehen. In the Obergeschossen a 14-geschossiges Wohnhochhaus has been planted, an urgent reason to establish Wohnraum.

For the new construction a good design has been left behind, one of the architects of other people from Ulm, Neu-Ulm, Göppingen, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Wien descendants have been. After an “intensive discussion”, which is in one of the urban Wohnbaugesellschaft UWS levels, the jury for the undertaking of the ISIN architects from Aalen/Stuttgart was established.

Im planted Living Room Sollen 65 Living and Two Clusters for Community Living Entries. The Erdgeschoss and the Obergeschoss are the Kindertagesstätte and the Kinder- und Familienzentrum planted. Investigate the Anforderungen, the Urban Construction and the Architecture, the commuting and the Einbindung der KiTa, which has been examined in the best way after the jury assessment of this company.

Ulm’s Baubürgermeister lobs the new Hochhaus

The jury member, Baubürgermeister Tim von Winning, has praised the UWS with the urban Akzent of the Entwurfes, which has reached the new Wiblinger Stadtteile entrance. After intensive discussions in the Bürgerschaft for the decision of the Gemeinderat in Vorfeld, the Anzahl der Geschosse on 14 and the Anteil der geförderten Wohnungen on 30 Prozent zu bordered.

UWS Managing Director Frank Pinsler concretely, with these preliminary and advanced apartments, a heavier contribution to the payable living in the city could become. The UWS, who work with the group in the Blick, have the hesitations, to provide for the general housing market. A balanced social structure that you can set, become the other homes that bring the entire housing market on the market, while they are brought on the market. The park is organized on the street in a park house.

After the development plan revisions and the construction of the building plans are completed in 2026, the results are complete. The homes are deformed by the UWS. (AZ)