
Sophia Thiel: She ravages the fans with a scratchy typographical change

Sophia Thiel: She ravages the fans with a scratchy typographical change

Normally Sophia Thiel (29) is known for her blonde mother and her radiant Lächeln. If you influence a long name – for everything, we will engage in dialogue with your fans on social media and have no fear, you can express your opinion and spread love.

So insult the one-time “Let’s Dance” film, which after the film in the RTL format “has become sick and then emotionally arose”. “I have a leader who Fressattacken and geriet during the control lust in a depressive phase”, so Sophia ehrlich in conversation with the “mirror”. Jetzt überraschte die 29-Jährige jedoch not with a short time, could be with a real typveränderung!

Sophia Thiel: She has a new chip shop

On Friday (September 13), Sophia Thiel shared a video on Instagram, sitting in the car with her gewohnt blonde and smiling in the room. Kurz darauf war die Influencerin beim zu seehen and plötzlich mustste ihr bisheriger Blondton einem zuberhaften Kupferton weichen! Dazu wrote Sophia überglücklich: “Who thinks this? That was a good change, that I have long desired it. I love it!”

Sophia Thiel: Taking Care of My Fans with My New Hair Color

There are a few tags that Sophia Thiel can give a typo on Instagram and an open barte, that is “feel good about my whole life long blond” war. Is there a new hair color? A full story, when the 29-year-old age of the Kupferton no longer existed, his life began. See where fans and friends on the Internet are looking at the new look. Influencer Riccardo Simonetti (31) writes playfully: “Stay mega good!” Another follower said: “So you see right fresh and not more shy and brave. Mega horny. Stay good!”