
Gillian Anderson is excited: these sex fantasies are feminine

As a sex therapist, series star Gillian Anderson inspires in “Sex Education”. Now ensures that the actress “wants” to educate with my book: you will be enthusiastic about the sexual fantasies of women.

It is a war in Skandal, as Nancy Friday († 2017) in the year 1973 in the first book ‘My Secret Garden’. For the work, female interviews with women are possible, while these people can express their sexual fantasies. The war of the book has become so big that the advance has begun – the authoritarian woman has fallen, was in the 1970s so many women: the release of the Zwängen, a better consciousness about their own Wüsche and a crimes of the Zwängen with this – within the partnership, but also in the society.

Around 50 years apart, US actress Gillian Anderson (56) walks on Nancy Friday’s tracks. Inspired by the role of sex therapist in Dr. Jean Milburn in the series ‘Sex Education’ (which played 4. Staffel on Netflix), the ‘Act X’ power lady would have in a book of the woman and the woman of the latter. For some of Anderson’s followers and fans, his written – and of course anonymous – erotic representations of the world. Around 1,000 pages, actresses, producers, activists and authors – who for their most exciting fast way to “want” in their book together. Here Gillian Anderson’s recognitions and confessions of women, who stand their desires and fantasies.

© Sasha Gusov

Gillian Anderson is excited: these sex fantasies are feminine

“Here is the key”

“There are a number of anonymous people who have written their notes and told me. It is understood, what women think about sex. When we have sex reasons, reasons with gender and motherhood, infidelity and exclusion, immunity and respect, fairness and equality, love and affection, lust and shame”, Gillian Anderson wrote in his speech for a long time. “When women know what it is, it is sex, more like just sex. But so much of us does not speak about it. Our favorite, intimate moments and fantasies play into our redemption, when you are busy with the keystone-destination. Here is the key.”

The last time Gillian Anderson was a woman letting her imagination run wild was her imagination.


The last time Gillian Anderson was a woman letting her imagination run wild was her imagination.

For the first time I read the play “Die sexuellen Phantasien der Frauen” by Nancy Friday in their preview of the role of the sexual therapist in Dr. Jean Milburn. “The imagination of people is as fun as Boundaries and the gilded natural character of sex fantasies, while they play with Letztere bis heute mit einem Tabu”, so die Autorin. “In a number of sexual and sexual relationships it can happen that the sexual fantasy of the woman often changes. Have you discovered the secrets of the woman when you go out? I am a woman with my own sex life and own sex fantasies and war news, while the other fantasies of women are breaking up or no longer exist. “

Fantasies as a safe space

“The letter is no longer a part of the fantasy sexual world of women, if this fantasy comes into play at all. There are many women who are a means in their line, a reality that flies in the air and the pressure of the professionals, the parent company and the labels of Concerns that give a hint about their las”, Anderson explains in his work. “The wonderful thing about sex fantasies is that we write these stories ourselves. When I am printing, I have had full control and the best of my details, where it was our power, but the fear was great that the company would become an insurer or make a good decision about the tragedy. (…) Without the risk, to take damage or to err from criticism, we err through them to know freedom, our own and our secret desires. The fantasy is a Safe Space and not any Abbild-dessen, it was a real Leben-wünschen. If you want to have a fantasy of nobody in a dream: it is absolutely private, the breaking down and the weitering of images and the making of own ideas and skills.

As a car enthusiast, Hollywood star Gillian Anderson now wants to “indulge” in women’s sexual fantasies.


As a car enthusiast, Hollywood star Gillian Anderson now wants to “indulge” in women's sexual fantasies.

About fantasies

“I have a secret, that still no one has betrayed – when you are sitting in the street in the subway or in the supermarket, brutally and on the head of a high level a more detailed sex fantasy from the US is created,” writes a bisexual American. “In gratitude I was advised under the shower of a man, whose name I do not know, of hints of rank. Or flirt with a friend in a bar, Christmas light reflects in May, for a night full of versprechen.”

My role as a sex therapist is inspired by Anderson through his new book.


My role as a sex therapist is inspired by Anderson through his new book.

A heterosexual German tells about his sexual dreams: “If only every one had three lives. My first was like that today: I am with my best friend of guilt verheiratet and wife with my life and our children in the small apartment with the big Baum-davor. (…) In my life we ​​hinge with the false men, the small types together. Those, who this brutal attack, as the lineage of Schmerz is heard and that is no longer of his piece. When you come and go, underlying traces on your body, but not in your life. (…) And I am written … I am written Life love ich sie. It is wild and free, it is a wild Durcheinander from the Wind, Locks and Sea salt. When I kiss, also your lips taste salty…”

Heart and soul

“If you were a member of the Kapitel, you would be able to attend to it,” says Gillian Anderson. „If we know that Short is not a daredevil, it is possible for me to be able to cope with the consequences and the background of these fantasies completely and completely identify myself.“ So I form a strong sense of purpose in „want“ thus: „I am a very Feminist, but while Wichsen träume ich davon, aufs Bett gedrückt, brutal rankenommen and mit Schimpfwörtern thought that they were, when electing the Suffragettes in the fallen würden of the Ohnmacht. (…) If I am a master, dominate and be lobbed, I would like to be my master… Davon, if the days and nights are fulfilled, they will be different. That is now the case, one of the friendships.” An American in person writes: “Ohne Vorwarnung see jemand a meinen Haaren, and I dreh me um, soft drink with Hands and Knees on the Boden bin. Der Teppich kratzt über myine Wange, während si/ er von hinten kräftig in mich stößt. Schnell
and heart and unglazed intestine…”

It’s a sex fantasy that takes control.


It's a sex fantasy that takes control.


„Wir Frauen have their own heartfelt angewöhnt, the Verlockungen des Fremden mit Angst zu begegnen, denn hinter der Aussicht auf heißen Sex lauert im Zweifel lifebedrohliche Gefahr. If there is no risk in the imagination or a first right is brought to high speed,” says Anderson, that this Kapitel is one of the articles mentioned. Etwa von a Finnin, who describes his Vorstellungen thus: “In my fantasy, I am a man, I am not a man, but I am satisfied with it. In Flur eines Hotels it is wise to have a Tür and bin nackt a meinem zuggeknöpften Kleid. Die Tür geht auf, und I am a trete. If you masturbate, it’s a sister. (…) With the help of my whole body, I stretch my arms tightly, stretch with a hand over my knees, with their arms, leave a finger between the backs, so that the opening of my pussy is better (. ..) At that moment it is my zügelloses Verlangen auf dem Höhepunkt arrived. (…) I will sooner rather than later, befor ich komme.”

Was the authorization reading the disclosure letter the most disturbing? “That’s the typical fantasy so little is known about the typical woman,” Gillian Anderson aptly summarizes. „Wir alle unterscheiden uns – sogar in een zijn zijn.“