
EU car industry provides millions of jobs

EU car industry provides millions of jobs

The focus on the long term of the car industry warns internal paper from the European car industry for the creation of millions of jobs. The Industry is not in the Lage, a bevorstehende Verschärfung of EU-Klimavorgaben einzuhalten, heißt es in dem Schreiben, das der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Brüssel vorliegt. “Follow the EU industry with Strafzahlungen in Milliardenhöhe konfrontiert.” Wer Strafen entgehen wolle, habe “kaum eine Wahl, as de Produktion erheblich zu drosseln, was Millionen von Arbeitsplätzen in der EU bedroht”, heißt es.

The background is intended for the Flottengrenzwerte. These set a limit for the CO2 emissions of Autos fest. In a few years I will no longer be able to do this in the EU. Derzeit liegt dieser Wert bei 115.1 Gramm CO2 pro Kilometer, pro Fahrzeug – memes and hand of sogenannten WLTP-TestVerfahrens. There will be 2025 at 93.6 grams and 2030 at 49.5 grams. For further information, CO2 must be taken into account by Hersteller Strafe.

The European automobile association can appeal to paper with a connection. If it is concrete, it is not official paper for lobby associations. Nach dpa information is the authentic and professional inner world of the European automobile industry. Take a look at the financial service of Bloomberg about the internal paper message.

Billion-dollar penalties

»They are not pure combustion engines, which emit 95.6 g CO2/km«, it is expensive. If you have a hybrid – also a car, there is an electric motor with battery as a combustion engine – buy it, the border is one-sided. If a Durchschnittswert is gebildet, a repairer can be viewed by the Zulassung of Electric Cars theoretically despite the border-free status.

In the internal document is used more, an efficient representation in the form of a speed of 120 grams of CO2 per kilometer. It is worth having four electrical devices welded in an electric car, a way you can use müssen. The anteil an electric electric car stagnates at a low level at a low level.

There could be penalties in the amount of 13 billion euros for all purchases. Consider three billion euros for light utility vehicles such as transporters. Diese haben heavy other Grenzwerte, fallen aber ebenfalls unter das Gesetz. The old car industry has become a newer burden.

If you close eight factories

The paper used as paper will expand the production and production of more than a million cars with commercial engines. It is worth using the performance of eight factories. That would connect the desire of millions of work places.

It is not so bad that we can read a memo article about the Corona crisis. After the paper has been processed, the EU Commission can postpone the introduction of the candidate for two years. Young VW Supervisory Board Chief Hans Dieter Pötsch also requested a change. The German Auto Lobby Association VDA is wondering how it can help the EU Presidency.

Environmental protection is dangerous

“Der Vorstoß is a triple choice for the überbieten: The car repairer has earned 130 billion euros in recent years and has had a new era, which can restore CO2 emissions from 2019,” says Sebastian Bock, Managing Director of the Umweltorganisation Transport & Milieu Germany. Because this was a problem, another car sale was done.

The article in the paper is a matter of information about Corona or the Ukraine war thought. »EU and Federal Government are not bothered by the climate protection of the management, a car group to the sacrifice falls«, so Bock.

For Marion Tiemann of Greenpeace it is a waste of time when VW’s chef wanted to gain more time for climate protection. »The pity of a strict border cannot cover the failing long strategy.«

Automobile industry is one of the largest workers

After the branches in the European automotive industry have ended up in the recovery, there are millions of people. Right man all the assets from the environment of the automotive industry that a sale of vehicles has said, is laut Acea around 13 Million people.

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