
Vor Arbeitslosigkeit: Infirmity and such as the greatest concern for overburdening

Vor Arbeitslosigkeit: Infirmity and such as the greatest concern for overburdening

Status: 14.09.2024 12:18

Years of guarantee on the list of debts for over-indebtedness. It is no longer possible: Illness and the like always drive more people into debt traps.

Krankheit and the like have a problem solving problems as the largest debt burden in Germany. 18.4 Since the Fall, which has been lost for a year in a debt claim system, see the health problems of the affected persons, he is aware of the “Overdebtedness Report 2024” of the Institutes for Financial Services (IFF).

Der Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes war in 17.5 Prozent der Fälle der Auslöser für die Überschuldung. Separation or Trennungen führten bei beef 10.2 Prozent der Ratsuchenden in de Geldnot. The “overrun report” is based on data from 114 debts and 24,000 debts from one year’s worth of debt. This is the post about the world of sonntag.

Workshop market reduced excess

Neben Schicksalschlägen wie Krankheit, Trennung und der Arbeitslosigkeit is een Einkommensarmut met 10,54 Prozent und een protected Selbststandigkeit met 8,5 Prozent der Fall häufige Gründe voor een Überschuldung. In 8.3 Prozent der Fälle war ein drunken Kaufverhalten der Grund.

Because the works council has not had the main power for years, experts with the stable development and demographic development in Germany: “There is a labor market, there are many possible labor and labor forces”, says Patrik-Ludwig Hantzsch of the Au skunftei Creditreform der Welt am Sontag. The theme of labor market lust has lost its way to a meaning, so Hantzsch continues. The credit reforms that you yourself have implemented are the so-called “Schuldner-Atlas” heraus.

Assessment as a risk factor

If the Forderungsarten stone Ratenkredite ganz oben, followed by Außenständen bei the öffentlichen Hand, etwa in Form Falliger Steuern or Rückforderungen von Sozialleistungen. “Insofar as it is important to play a major role in the over-indebtedness in Germany,” says one of the authors of the IFF Reports, Hanne Roggemann.

Quick reactions have a mental influence on the future, which results in the only depreciation. Commonly referred to as “Buy now, pay later” offers, when the purchase first starts, it becomes difficult. The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband and the IFF warn against solving problem boats with higher Verzugszinsen and Mahngebühren. If you do this, you should take the situation into account.

The small debt mountain that has had a debt nerf in Anspruch in 2023 has yielded a report of 16,547 euros. Rund 35 Prozent der Ratsuchenden has made a financial contribution as 10,000 Euro Debts. At 42 percent of payment costs, the expenses are worth 10,000 and 40,000 euros. Rund 23 Prozent tax Forderungen von mehr as 40,000 Euro. Instances were made for the next repräsentativen Überschuldungsreport knapp 200,000 Beratungsfälle from the Zeitraum 2008 bis 2023 ausgewertet, davon fast 24,000 from the demise Jahr.