
The new ZDF crime series “Der Geier”

The new ZDF crime series “Der Geier”

Früh am Morgen the Polizei will knock against the Holztür, the Bewohner will have schreckt the Schlaf. Lukas Geier (Philipp Hochmair) works with kajal-verschmierten Augen, for his chief commissioner Franziska Conti (Julia Koch). War is being waged with a college, it is working in hidden and secret places – under the new identity of people. Dann geschah das Unglaubliche: The dammaligen Amateurmusiker Geier is a zufälliger Welthit, of his powerful might, worauf there signal Job as a Kommissar hindwarf and sich über the Gasteiner Tal in the eastern Alpszurückzog. Fünf Jahre is her. Darum is in the Krimiformat »Der Geier«. The pilot film »The Tote with their falschen lives« is on Montag (16.9.) at 20.15 on ZDF to see. A sequel with this new Ermittler will be removed.

If a woman sends a message from an older woman, a new hotel dies that is financed. On the right arm of the dead ist mit Kugelschreiber a Handynummer gekritzelt worden – die von Geier. There is no question that it is not possible to stimulate – it is worth that no one has a passing with the flight as a conversation. Geier has provided the woman for 16 years in the protection of her daughter a civil existence as a small worker in a property, which has until recently contained; A husband (Harald Windisch), wife and daughter are also given.

Director Christian Werner (46, »Kleine Eheverbrechen«) has a young, German Krimi a straight muscular Mann in the center of the Geschehens. It is based on the Roman “Tutto Bene” by Andrea di Stefano, alias Stephan Lebert, with his bruder Andreas on the Drehbuch-schrieb. Many dialogues are not right, there is an illogical story. The backblenden are schickt, the Landschaft is a part. Through Bad Gastein a strandtlicher Wasserfall-gauntlet was put to work, and a Gondelfahrt with Geiers Ex-chef (Herbert Knaup) from Munich went home. The ermordete Frau back the Namen Elisabeth Bergner – so here is a famous Austrian actress.

Philipp Hochmair (50, »Der Wien-Krimi: Blind Ermittelt«) told here an ex-commissar, who performed as a grim techno musician, was the private playwright with the band »Die Elektrohand Gottes« who got the power. There is a lot of playing by images, Accordion played and cooking can be a trap. In the miniaturization of Roles Patricia Aulitzky is the elegant director of the Kurhotels and Jutta Speidel as a malicious lobby chairwoman. There is even more Tote used, the Auflösung is the leader of the right.

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