
3. Spieltag, SC Freiburg – VfL Bochum – VfL Bochum – Forum | Page 22

3. Spieltag, SC Freiburg – VfL Bochum – VfL Bochum – Forum | Page 22

So a night is slept and is no longer fun. We were busy with the ergebnis more as intestine serves. There is talk of a serious Leistung.

Drewes….what was clear was a class war there ist. It was bitterly welded. I would like to be able to give you a better view of how Riemann will continue to work.

Masovic and Medic….Letzterer said that the leader was that, it was his enlightening effect. The many game practices are super-German and fragile, they can be upgraded by other IVs that can use them. Why does Loosli not actually play? In the preparation there is a place that is on the road. Now Masovic and Medic use the rum. Zeidler has put the longest variation on the map and can make one of his hangings.

Passlack and Wittek…. Passlack hat gester badly played. War after the war had started, will be an absolute total fall for the war after the war. White bombing in the preview is a war series of the most exciting feature films. Davon has never been so old, the Witte is of the Spieler, at the Körperliche Zerfall nach a Stunde in deutlichsten visible ist. It is a fact that part of the debt burden of others is a problem and that others can use an unmanaged system, so that a clear alternative to the market position can be applied. If you see the next step, Zeidler is such a toll seeker. This Sturheit is in Kürze den Job kosten. All fast rethinking is necessary.

Sissoko….clearly Ausnahme, best field player, guarantees his own mittlerweile, we have now landed.

De Wit….that makes me quickly forget the words. A lot had happened, and it was absolutely not possible. An end is being made to the right-wing movement. Zeidler must also be overtaken here. De Wit must leave the page and stay in the middle, but it is best not to end up in one of the rautes.

Bero….fand I’m solid. No longer and no longer. If there is no game to speak of, there is another game that can be played. Seine von Letsch hoch lobten Tiefenläufe sieht man gar nicht more, seine Laufstärke kommt ebenfalls nicht more zum Tragen.

Miyoshi…is vermutlich, but there has never been a new beginning, which may have caused some nauseating actions to start with making a debut. Went off with his completely lost Flanke, followed by a Rollbombe in F-Jugend-Style aussichtsreicher Position and finally in more stupidly driven Zweikämpfen. There is a German start and some nice actions, which has brought Wosz in as small a relationship as possible with Masovic of Hermann Gerland.

Broschinski and Boadu…Waren has no problem. Broschinski came into action and fled and Sissoko was our best defender. Boadu in the style of a fighter. Served only by Zufall and one of the best people who Spaß is, Stürmer at VfL Bochum to be.

The Einwechselspieler….Hofmann orderly and with bad luck, that’s Daschner im Weg stand. If there are bodenlos, wait at the Zwote or at the Tribüne. Balde furchtbar schnell und null produktive und rentnt rum wie in de Hühnerstall en hoe scheinbar noch no Fußball spielt. While time is vermutlich, nor a halbes Jahr bis is uns hilft, Bamba will never help this Saison again.

The trainer… is for me absolutely a challenge and an urgent need to play, use games and signal systems. Huge gaps in Mittelfeld must be stopped, a man who Sissoko can not the whole Sechser geben, weil is ich nicht zweiteilen kann. Zeidler must do his best to react, while offering an alternative in the defensive way in which Bernardo has made the most effort not to use an Oermann on the right. The raute ist mit unserem Kader nicht durchführbar. The high digestibility is with our inner digestibility and only a Sechser ebenfalls nicht durchführbar. The defensive must be massively strengthened. Because most people had a great challenge, our trainer was seen differently and it also stood out as a student.

If you still have some rest and fun, nor a few days, then this game is for you.
Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt von Atas_Taxi am 15.09.2024 um 09:07 Uhr bearbeitet