
Weinberge and Andengipfel: Eine Reise der Sinne

Weinberge and Andengipfel: Eine Reise der Sinne

South America. Chile’s unique lifestyle is a unique tool.

Chile has an impressive landscape and landscape and cultural highlights. In Santiago you will find urbane Lebendigkeit auf charming Viertel and Spitzenrestaurants, where the neighboring Maipo-Tal das Zentrum des Chileen Weinbaus is. Valparaíso, the “Perle des Pazifiks”, founded by the farbenfrohe Häuser and shopped Gassen. In Casablanca-Tal for the Pazifikwinde of the Weinanbau, where the Atacama-Wüste fascinates with spectacular landscapes. I ended up in the south of the Seen area in Puerto Montt and in the wild Patagonia in the Torres del Paine massif, before the journey ends with exclusive Weinverkostungen in the Colchagua Valley.

Travel history

Day 1: They fly from Vienna to Paris after Santiago de Chile.

Day 2: In Santiago de Chile a private city tour of the historic center with Präsidentenpalast, Plaza de Armas and the panoramic view of “Cerro San Cristóbal” is enjoyed. Night Check-in at Hotel and stay Cooking course with Ceviche and Empanadas.

Day 3: If you use Valparaiso, you can use the Häuser and Schrägaufzüge and explore the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage City Center. After a stay at Pablo Nerudas Haus „La Sebastiana“ you can get an exclusive Weinverkostung in Casablanca-Tal teil. Back trip to Santiago.

The Bunte Hafenstadt Valparaíso is intended for its steepen Hügel, creative Streetart and the historic Viertel (UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe).

The Bunte Hafenstadt Valparaíso is intended for its steepen Hügel, creative Streetart and the historic Viertel (UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe).Shutterstock

Day 4: Flight to Calama and transfer to San Pedro de Atacama. There is a nice city walk that includes the archaeological center, the “Iglesia San Pedro” and the Plaza de Armas. Passing by the Handwerkermarkt regional works of art.

Day 5: In the morning it is noted that the Pukará de Quitor is another Atacameño fortress with a view of the Andes. In the evening the Luna valley is sunbathing with the impressive colours and enjoy the panoramic view from the viewing point “Piedra del Coyote”.

Day 6: Using a traditional farm in the Atacama region, you can try more local methods and fresh produce. Along the way, you can explore the Salar de Atacama and observe flamingos and the “Laguna Chaxa”. Then return to San Pedro.

The Plaza de Armas in Santiago de Chile is a historic center, where colonial buildings and a lively meeting point of the city are located.

The Plaza de Armas in Santiago de Chile is a historic center, where colonial buildings and a lively meeting point of the city are located.Shutterstock

Day 7: Early morning sees the Geysir of El Tatio, the flood radiate in full splendor. After you have applied the nature protection, you can return to San Pedro for lunch and stretch on the night.

Day 8: After breakfast you drive to the airport in Calama and fly to Puerto Montt. When you take a transfer to the Malerische Puerto Varas, to your Hotel Cumbres with a view of the Llanquihue-See and the volcano Osorno, you can make a transfer. The rest of the tag is safe for a free view.

Day 9: On the forenoon you drive along the Llanquihue-Lakes with a view of the volcano Osorno and Calbuco and visit the “Saltos de Petrohue”, finished waterfalls. Then it is the volcano Osorno that makes a walk through Lavafelder and the Panorama genius. In the evening is one of the best evenings in a local restaurant, before you go to Puerto Varas.

Day 10: In the morning you set off for Chiloé, visiting the Cathedral and the Artisans Market in Castro. Then you can get to know the Fischerdorf Dalcahue and the spirit of a traditional Mittagessen, before getting to work in the port of Puerto Varas.

The Mondtal in the Atacama Wüste Chile, with its bizarre rock formations and relaxing sand dunes, is an outdoor landscape that is seen in magical colours when sunbathing.

The Mondtal in the Atacama Wüste Chile, with its bizarre rock formations and relaxing sand dunes, is an outdoor landscape that appears in magical colours when the sun shines.Shutterstock

Day 11: If you go to Puerto Varas to the flight Puerto Montt, with a stop in the natural park Lahuen, one of the uralten of Alerce-Bäume is impressed. If you make a flight through the Wald flight, continue to Punta Arenas, where you can check in at your hotel at the Plaza de Armas.

Day 12: If the fruit comes from a 4.5-piece Boat trip from Magdalena Island, a Magellan Penguin from beobachten, and continue with Marta Island, a Sea Lion and Kormorane to see. Go to Puerto Natales and check in Hotel Remota a.

Day 13: When visiting Torres del Paine National Park, you can enjoy nature on the peaks, lakes and glaciers and do some other hiking. On Friday afternoon, you return to Pampa Lodge and spend the day relaxing.

Day 14: You can do more research on the Torres del Paine National Park and use one of the three boots on the Grey Lake to do the Grey Glacier. After a short climb to the Einschiffung drive you will come across a 25 meter high glacier and experience it, with ice pieces in the water.

Day 15: On the way back after Punta Arenas, the Estancia Cerro Negro is a Schafschur-Vorführung and a traditional Mittagessen spirit, before heading to the Ihrem Hotel.

Day 16: After the flight to Santiago we were taken to Sie ins Colchagua-Tal zur Vibo Wine Lodge, a charming boutique hotel in the Malerian Wine Region.

In Colchagua-Tal we live together with Malbec-Reben in the VIBO Wine Lodge and enjoy authentic cuisine in the Rayuela-Restaurant, paired with wines from the Weinguts Viu Manent.

In Colchagua-Tal we live together with Malbec-Reben in the VIBO Wine Lodge and enjoy authentic cuisine in the Rayuela-Restaurant, paired with wines from the Weinguts Viu Manent.Beige-colored

Day 17: Heute erkunden Sie die Weingüter Viu Manent und Montes in Colchagua-Tal, nießen eine Kutschenfahrt, Weinkellerbesichtigungen und Verkostungen firstklassiger Weine.

Label18: Transfer to Santiago Airport and Rückflug via Paris to Wien.

Day 19: Arrival in Vienna.


DZ from 13,990 Euro
EZ from 17,190 Euro


  • Flight ab/bis Wien via Paris to Santiago de Chile
  • Inlandsflüge Economy Class Santiago – Calama – Puerto Montt – Punta Arenas – Santiago
  • 16 Nächte in sehr guten 4*- & 5*- bzw. Boutique hotels incl. Frühstück
  • 4 Mittag- und 2 Abendessen in ausgewählten Restaurants
  • All Lighting and Ausflüge incl. Eintritte anyway Weinverkostungen
  • Ortliche deutschsprachige Reisleitung
  • All transfers and transportation by bus


  • Atacama Desert Impacted
  • Wine sales at renowned wineries
  • Torres del Paine National Park Nature Show
  • Magellan-Pinguine hautnah experience
  • Mystical island of Chiloé


Free of charge on 0800 560 080, per
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