
Wald: Herbstlicher Marktbummel in Wald

Wald: Herbstlicher Marktbummel in Wald

After a warm meal, start watching the weather at the Walder Herbstmarkt in the Laufe des Samstags, but no friends and end Hunderte von Besuchern at the Festwiese in der Walder Dorfmitte.

Beim Rundgang über de Herbstmarkt met meer dan 50 marktbeschickern konnten die Besucherinnen and Besucher praktikkeuts for the Haushalt, Schmuck, Putzmittel, Gewürze, noble Steine ​​​​ and Mineralien, warm Socken, Schals and Mützen for the later Winter-endecken.

A long war photo can be seen on the stand of the backhauses Blum from Walbertsweiler. When the “Walder Scharfe”, a spicy bratwurst, is sold at the Walder Herbstmarkt, an additional portion of regional metzware is supplied as food production, and the intestines are cooked. Neben deftigen Speisen fanden auch die Süßmäuler etwas for ihren Gaumen, so enjoy Crêpes, Torten, Kuchen and Süßigkeiten.

For the last time Michael Wenzler was appointed market master for the Walder Herbstmarkt. At the end of April the headquarters of ...

Zum letzten Mal war Michael Wenzler as market master for the Walder Herbstmarkt ziständig. At the end of April the Hauptamtsleiter of the Gemeinde Wald was in Ruhestand. | Image: Sandra Hausler

Please note that Market Master Michael Wenzler of the community for the Herbstmarkt was present. In Rekordzeit it is in 4.5 Stunden am Vortag with Bauhofleiter Peter Braun-Droxner die Standflächen marked. Künftig übernimmt der gemeindliche Bauhof diese Tätigkeit komplett, erläuterte Wenzler. The main office will be held in the Ruhestand at the end of April 2025. “More than 50 percent of the market visitors since they have spent more than a year,” is happy with the market master.

The Walder Herbstmarkt may have come a few years ago by others on the market, the Zahlreichen Stände mit Selbstgebasteltem and creative Waren. The Zahl die creditworthiness has become lighter over the years, but it never gets so good. A woman who has gesetzt Daniela Grimm from “Grimms Krams” from Krauchenwies and has given the Waren a high status and nachhaltigen fabrics herself has made. The answer to the herb market is Daniela Grimm. You can find it so much fun when you find the mouth for the children in the family in the great depth of the cave. Karin Hahn from Sigmaringen has geschwungen the crochet hook and many other figure and decoration articles gehäkelt. Elke Kleiner from Aach-Linz is busy for a year with his self-chosen Holz decoration articles on the herb market. If you spend the time in your handgriffen, it is not decorated. At the stand of the Aach-Linzer Hofbrennerei the market can concern itself with high-priced costs and expenses and there are some.

There are a large number of Kaffee, Kuchen and Torten in the music frauen of Sentenhart. With the Verkaufserlös, the women finance the next musical experience, which will make them happy for their “Eiskönigin” after Stuttgart future. Selbstgebackenes go to the Eltern of the Walder Kindergartens Abenteuerland. With the Erlös van de Kuchenverkauf unterstützen sie de Kindergarten bei der Finanzierung von Ausflügen, der Anschaffung von Spiel- und Bastelsachen and der Obstkiste, erläuterte Bianca Jäger. A stand will be presented as the first Rotary Club Pfullendorf-Meßkirch and will be sold for the first Pfullendorfer Entenlopen, from October 20. October on the Dortigen Stadtsee is born. With the stories of the loose sales and the benefit installation of the Rotary Club, a children’s party is organized in Pfullendorf and the youth festival in Pfullendorf is organized.

Community power of the Kinderflohmarkt at Herbstmarkt more Spaß, find (from left) Mirco, Ronja and Gabriel from Sentenhart. You are in...

Community power of the Kinderflohmarkt at Herbstmarkt more Spaß, find (from left) Mirco, Ronja and Gabriel from Sentenhart. You are at Kinderzimmern Platz for new purchases. | Image: Sandra Hausler

Before the Zehn-Dörfer-Halle clears away the children’s shoes and the teppiche for the children’s flea market. If you want to use your children’s room, you have to buy a new place. Communal meat is more Spa, Mirco, Ronja and Gabriel stated at Sentenhart fest. They no longer have a stand. When Lucas says that he has tried the sale of every part, because he can really get away from it.

The association

The 27. Walder Herbstmarkt fand am Vergangen Samstag auf der Walder Festwiese in der Ortsmitte with more than 50 Marktbeschickern anyway a Kinderflohmarkt for der Zehn-Dörfer-Halle statt. The Veranstalter des Marktes is the Gemeinde Wald.