
Social media from 16 years? Australian plan for more youth protection

Social media from 16 years? Australian plan for more youth protection

Handy with TikTok, Instagram and X at kindergehirn

Australian would soon become Vorreiter: Geplant ist een Mindestalter für Social Medien zum Schutz der global Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen.

The Generation Z said that the German signs are a gravitating deteriorating mental health. On the list of the Gründe you will find the Consequences of Corona-Maßnahmen outside the Smartphone.


Generation Fear

The American-American social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, who started with “The Righteous Mind” and “The Coddling of the American Mind”, has described a newly developed phenomenon (Polarisierung der Gesellschaft and the persecution of Cancel Culture at the University) in The Young Years Vergangenheit fell on the ground-legendary book of the social media of children and youthful verfasst.

“Generation Angst” presents the Chapter that deals with the domination of social media for children and young people. On the website of the book you will find the overview of the background studies, which are carried out as standard.

Haidt performed dramatic Ergebnisse für die USA (in Vergleich zum Jahr 2010):

  • Schwere Depressionen nehmen bei Teenagern um 145 Prozent zu.
  • Angststörungen bei Studierenden nehmen um 134 Prozent zu.
  • Please note that you have to pay attention to your questions at Mädchen um 188 Prozent zu (bij Jungen um 48 Prozent)
  • Suizidraten nehmen at Mädchen a 167 Prozent, at Jungen a 91 Prozent zu.

The first generation of US-Americans, who are going through puberty with their smartphones (and the Internet) in hand, are depressed, depressed, self-confident and suicidal. (…) Die Flutwele von Angststörungen, Depressionen und Selbstverletzungen with Mädchen schlimmer as Jungen, en ik schlimmsten with si Mädchen unter drizehn Jahren.

Jonathan Haidt

The huge negative effects are also found in other industrial countries. It is possible to do a study on a smartphone utility and a mental experience nachweisen.

Digital detox

Another example, one of the social media for most of the child and youth health care, while the research shows the positive effect, a stronger reduction in social media may result.

In other words, a professional band group should watch a month on social media. If you are busy with friends and relations in the real world, you will enjoy a smile and a long breath. After the end of the experiments is reached, it will be an abstinence, only slowly back to your habit and then also spent less time in social media.

The radical critique and address of Big Tech, the sale of children and young adults has never become a dish, but not Antwort. On the Substack channel, Jonathan Haidt has developed a regular position and new analyses.

First Step

The last Chapter of the “Generation Angst” provides a whole range of constructive Vorschlägen, whose interaction with the Smartphone and social media can be arranged in this way, the Gesundheit and Wellbeing of the Children and Jugendlichen waiters Ziel sind. Seine Anregungen strike fertile ground.

In Britain it says there are now no more responses to Haidt’s book.

In February Clare Fernyhough and Daisy Greenwell started a WhatsApp group for a year taking care of the following social media to find their children’s discussion and solutions. Within 24 hours the group had reached 1,000 people and WhatsApp groups were established in 60 places in the country.

At the end of the first week there were 10,000 people and groups in 75 places. After two months there were as many as 75,000 people. In a few years: the first time a smartphone has been used in 14 years, the first two years have been on social media.

In this case a man is hanging on to another brand name Phänomen erwähnen: Who Thea Petrik on Telepolis Schreibt, hat ein Smartphone-Verbot in der Schule “messable positive effects – for the social well-being, to a small extent brake on the learning lists of the students and students.”

Legal Scripture

This Kurzem became a rightful Schritte, a Kinder und Jugendliche besser voor social media van schützen. Mitte Mai reported Labor Day:

The European Commission is working on the ways of thoughts in the most diverse ways to make the Youth Protection a Verfahren on Facebook and Instagram mother group Meta. If you have access to the social media service, you can be aware that it is such a transmission in children.

Auch in Kalifornien is the Justiz-tätig. Heise online message:

A Californian federal judge reversed Meta’s argument on Monday, when Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act shielded the company from harm. In one of the many ways Meta Platforms Inc. has evolved the world of the world, the shape and best features of Instagram and Facebook can support the global and physical health of children and young people from harm.

Australian as possible Vorreiter

Jonathan Haidt thinks about this:

It takes a long time, when new things happen. The time when junk food, cigarettes, heroin, morphine and all other drugs are used, and one of the main brand male dieser passages is, that is not true, that is childish.

It is a gründe, where it is not about, the sex, the pleasure and the kind of things in child abuse. Therefore lassen with Kinder nicht a money game, in Stripclubs or Bordelle gehen. Man must make a best choice, a legal brothel in Germany will be able to get a new kind that is on Pornhub.

If you are not on the internet yet, then I reply, the art, who will be once, is that you can say: no smartphones for the change of 14 years, no social media for 16, Handyfree Schools and more free games. If you are on the beach, then you think you can work with smartphones.

Australia is the first country in the world, its social middle ground is varied. The Australian Regierung plant is one of the most important centers for the Nutzung Sozialer Medien. Dies soll zwischen 13 und 16 Jahren lie (The Liberal Party, which is in the Opposition, is clear, that is the inner half of 100 Days after Ihrer Wahl ein Verbot der Nutzung sozialer Medien durch Jugendliche under 16 Jahren einführen würde).

You can test the registration of a 3.8 million euro, a system that prevents the prevention of pornographic websites and the description of social utility media during the testing of some utilities. This week will not begin. It is such that it has emerged in the broader stand by the power of the media and the protection of child and youth safety.

Cover "Help, I'm human!"

Cover "Help, I'm human!"

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