
Prinz Harry’s Nachbar verrät: So luxuriös feiert er seinen 40. Geburtstag | Unterhaltung

Prinz Harry’s Nachbar verrät: So luxuriös feiert er seinen 40. Geburtstag | Unterhaltung

De Zeiten von Strip-Billard in Las Vegas und Saufgelage in Pub sind vorbei. Darum feert Harry seinen 40. Geburtstag heute auch ganz brav with the family and friends. Nur beim Luxus haut der Prinz auf den Putz!

Next to Richard Mineards, his only hundred yards from Harry and Meghan in the Californian Montecito live, BILD reports: “Harry reported the news of his death in the news of 14-Million-Dollar-Anwesen. I absolutely love Meghan and the gemeinsamen Kinder Archie and Lilibet.”

Richard Mineards is a neighbour of Prince Harry and Mrs Meghan. In 2019, they both live with their children in Montecito, California

Richard Mineards is a neighbour of Prince Harry and Mrs Meghan. In 2019, they both live with their children in Montecito, California

Photo: BILD/Reuters

First family business, then glamorous dinner with friends

Besuch aus der alten Heimat? Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt undenkbar.

The only “Daily Mail” journalist Mineards, who has had one of the most recent conversations with the royal family, says: “I would like to know that the father of King Charles will be happy to speak by telephone. Von William and Kate On the day it was no longer possible to think, Harry was in his book or in the Netflix Doku mind.”

Ein öffentlicher Glückwunsch kam zumindest on Instagram vom Account of the Royal Family, if you are entitled to savings. Frei übersetzt steht dort: “Wir wünschen dem Herzog von Sussex von Herzen einen schönen 40. Geburtstag.”

ZerstRITene Brüder: Ob Prinz William (l.) seinem Bruder zum 40. gratis? Derzeit fraglich

ZerstRITene Brüder – Ob Prinz William (l.) seinem Bruder zum 40. gratis? Derzeit fraglich

Photo: Martin Meissner/AP/dpa

Birthday parties with Harry’s Hollywood friends

Seit seinem royalen Rücktritt Anfang 2020 ließ Harry fast keine Opportunity aus, öffentlich über seine Familie rezuziehen. Sowohl im Skandal-Interview with Talk Legend Oprah Winfrey (70) as also in his Memoirs „Reserve“ (Original title: „Spare“), which were released in January 2023.

After Richard Mineard had taken power in education with the German BILD, his 40s in Hollywood was a new, never lavish Umfeld hat. With the factory of the Duke of Sussex after the small family activities in Abendessen.

In this luxurious setting John F. Kennedy is mentioned

“A glamorous dinner has been planned at the ‘Stonehouse Restaurant’ on the San Ysidro Ranch. Let’s talk about Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres with each other, so Harry’s Nachbar zu BILD.

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In the “Fireside Room” of the restaurants, at Gäste Platz 30, Harry may have a problem. The hotel describes the space with the floors: “The Fireside Room has a soft, spacious floor and a beautiful glass wall, which can be enjoyed on a private terrace, where guests can sit in the living room.”

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Das Menu? Can see yourself welding! A smaller gemischter Vorspeisensalat at $32 is a royal ossetra caviar at a cost of $295. Guest, who has a grilled Ribeye-Steak wollen, müssen derweil 135 Dollar hinblättern.

The 30th century hotel costs 2600 US dollars per night, which Harry and Meghan reckon with for the world. Watch some früheren interviews with the US-Branchenmagazin “Variety” who are in front of a photo in Szene. Harry bewarb dort in Interviews in Buch “Reserve”.

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Um mit Inhalten aus Instagram und oth er socialen Netzwerken are interactive or diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

In the Luxushotel one of the most distinguished guests of Winston Churchill (†90) and John F. Kennedy (†46) became one and all! One of the 38 Cottages in the hotel, the so-called “Churchill Cottage”, is a price of 7000 dollars to spend the night.