
Dobrindt stops border controls to solve them

Dobrindt stops border controls to solve them

Dobrindt stops border controls to solve them

The CSU country group Alexander Dobrindt has started a Mitternacht with the initiation of contacts and the German borders as unanswered criticism.

In the “Picture” (Monday issue) Dobrindt said: “It is a heartfelt choice, a sovereign who no longer knows our borders and who stops irregular migration to Germany.” That is “now with the reversal of the borders.”

Dobrindt description: “Kontstromen alleine reichen nicht aus. The Verweigerung der Ampel für umfassende Zurückweisung is a Kapitulation. We will continue to accept the borderless Zustrom in Germany.”

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Border between Germany and Poland (Archiv), via dts Nachrichtenagentur