
Schmallenberg: Zu Gast bij Heimatfreunden: Mit Locals door Hochsauerland

Schmallenberg: Zu Gast bij Heimatfreunden: Mit Locals door Hochsauerland

Einheimisch, the idea that the trend comes from the city, the idea, the man who was with him, could find a big azubis. So let the Sauerland come from the personal Tour.

Der Rundgang mit dem Stadtführer, de Hafenrundfahrt in der Barkasse, de von een high turmoil Guide geführte Wanderung or Radtour: Viele tourist Unternehmungen sind professionell organisiert, lehrreich und letztlich einfach schön.

It is often not so that it is personal and not human. It is different with the sogenannten Greetern, from English “greet” – “grüßen”. It is an honorable Führer, who in his city, in his village, in his favorite kind who knows the Western knowledge and free tours in his Anecdotes erzählen. The Bewegung der Greeter took place in 1992 in New York and started in 2008 in 20 cities in this establishment. The motto: “Come as a guest, go as a friend”.

In Schmallenberg in the Sauerland, the Touristiker has engraved and built the concept. If you find: The nature of the Hochsauerlanden is still only such a large part of time, where was the man, the Sauerländer?

So we were able to achieve our goals, the project “HeimatFreu(n)de”, übrigens ursprünglich een idea van Azubis, nahm Formen an. 18 Schmallenberger gehen inzwischen with guests during their tour – which in the life of a classic Greeter-Stadtourgang is often excessive and were not offered free of charge. Nice Angebote in Kurzporträt.

With statistics and camera: nature photography with Klaus-Peter Kappest

Enjoy the pleasure of having friends with your friends for 55 years. Auf jeden Fall noch vor der Dämmerung. I can enjoy it for four hours tomorrow, before the brightest light shines on the horizon.

Klaus-Peter Kappest is on a photo tour with your guest. Mal am Kahlen Asten, at an altitude of 841 meters Gipfel in the Sauerland, or around the Heidkopf. The Steilhängen are visible in the Fichtenwald: The Borkenkäfer is known here.

With the Brachflächen knitted with your own hands, it is very strong and the sun ensures that the end result is full. The man with the room and the swirling Bad Zeigt seinen Guest of photo artists Orte.

“Bei de Fototouren is perhaps the Entwicklung des Lights own, vom Nachtdunkel with the Sonnaufgang bis zum full Tageslicht,” says the professional photographer from Schmallenberg-Oberkirchen.

A tour for your four guests costs 220 Euro.

Polarlighter in Sauerland: Astro-Tour with Stefan Schwope

The work is an engineer engineer, but during the night with the star sky Stefan Schwope comes for all hobby astronomy and astrophotography. For two years the 47-year-old Schmallenberger was busy to Sterngucker.

“The Andromeda Galaxy, which lasted 2.5 million light years, has come to an end. The battle for astronomy has begun. I have waged war.” The Begeisterung gives Schwope an interesting sequel.

If you find yourself still a guest during the nightly Astro-Tours, you can still enjoy them. “And honestly,” says Schwope, “then you are more man with the floating Galaxien beschäftigt, wird deutlich, who is the largest universe and who is small, is himself a sin.”

The polar light has fallen from the Sterngucker in the Sauerland. In the Frühjahr war, if it is for the high North, another war spectacle can be another unannounced war.

Unternehmungen with Stefan Schwope costs 15 Euro per person.

Walking with fondue: Laufen and stärken with Jenny Müller

For the sympathetic Wanderführerin, personal life is important on the “HeimatFreu(n)de”-Tours. Therefore, you know that you have lost it before it is lost. Gemeinsam in nature.

300 meters nor the steep slopes hang up, then the Wandernden are the Schutzhütte above the Schmallenberg-Westfeld. Break! Jenny packs ihren backpack aus. Everything was fine: Campingkocher, Fonduetopf, Spieße, Teller and various Töpfchen mit Fleisch and Gemüse.

Kale brutzelt de Brühe, en de Gast lassen sich das “Wanderfondue”, who is Jenny, schmecken. Individually you agree to stay for 38 years, maximum guest stays are possible. When Touren goes through the hiking tour in winter, the Sauerland changes often.

The Teilnahme costs 55 Euro per person.

Völkerverständigung: Unter Bienen with Wolfgang Jenke

There is a Herrüber a Million Bienen: Wolfgang Jenke from Cobbenrode in the Schmallenberger Sauerland. “So bald die Weidenkätzchen ab etwa Mitte März blühen, die Bienen aktiv”, so Jenke, der die Imkerei since 1975 as Hobby bereibt.

His guests are welcomed in the months of May and October: “At this time, bees are particularly active.” I have covered a mile while traveling in the mountains – in the spring of the Neahktar of Weide and Löwenzahn, in the summer of Wildhimbeeren, which is richly blue in the Hochsauerland.

The man who celebrates the 65th anniversary of the company is a good organization and a good glass bowl, which promotes the self-reliance of the company.

The Imker-Stunde costs 32 Euro for his four Teilnehmer.

Glühendes Eisen: Schmieden with Hubertus Dünnebacke

It is heiß in the Werkstatt von Kunstschmiedemeister Hubertus Dünnebacke in the idyllic Sorpetal. Besucher kommen ins Schwitzen und Staunen. The craftsman creates decorative garden scaffolding and flower stands, including some works of art, with powerful Hammerschlägen from seinem glühenden Rohstoff.

“If you choose to make your own paintwork even from 1100 to 1200 degrees, you will be able to use it,” says the 56-year-old. Samstagnachmittags are a guest in the ehemalige Kuhstall der Eltern, the Dünnebacke zur Werkstatt ausbaute, willkommen.

These are eight people who are looking for the opportunity to use Hammer: small settings for the kitchen, which a series of masters forge, and then the souvenirs.

A three-day Schmiedekurs costs 115 Euro per person.

Giersch and Gundermann: Sammeln and cooking with Nadine Albers

“So one has to know that the Mother of the Oma is well prepared,” says the Mother Pädagogin Albers. In an uninterestschiedlichem Umfang: Brennnessel have been known as Küchenkraut, sagt die 44-Jährige. “Aber dann hört’s schon auf.”

The nature that the tourists bring back, they enjoy their treasures, so the common essence is also a home friend for their mission. The Kräuterküche-offnet Albers für bis zu sechs Teilnehmende in your own Feldscheune am Ortsrand von Schmallenberg-Bödefeld.

Before you make a purchase, one of the best things you can do together with Nelkenwurz, Giersch and Gundermann is to take a walk. Anschließend comes with a Wildkräutermenü in the Tisch, that you vary during the year, beissielsweise: Brennnesselsuppe, Giersch-Brennnessel-Salat, Feta-Bärlauchschnitzel and abschließend Brennnesselkuchen with Schokosahne.

Das Kochen mit Wildkräutern am Feuertopf costs including Menu from 65 Euro per person.

Links, tips and practical hints:

Travel soul: Schmallenberg im Hochsauerland has 25,000 residents in 84 Ortschaften. Such the smallest towns will have a higher home with two inhabitants. The city area has a Fläche of 303 Quadratkilometers (larger than Leipzig) and extends from West to East over 25 Kilometers to the Gipfel des Kahlen Astens, with 841 Metern zweithöchster Berg in Hochsauerland.

Heimatfreunde: The project “HeimatFreu(n)de” has been revoked from the Abschlussarbeit of Touristik-Azubis in 2021. Buchung und Terminabstimmung (manche Touren since wetterabhängig) über Schmallenberger Sauerland Tourismus. 2023 is the project for the ADAC Tourism Prize for North Rhine-Westphalia.

Anreise: With the car is a man bis Schmallenberg etwa from Köln around two roads, from Frankfurt am Main two roads and from Hannover around three roads. Mit der Bahn is on the Strecke Hagen-Siegen-Frankfurt in Lennestadt/Altenhundem, from Busverbindungen nach Schmallenberg.

Travel time: until October and then again from March.

Unterkünfte: Das Angebot is a wide and extensive range of hotels and guesthouses in the Ferienwohnungen, Bauernhöfen and Reisemobilstellplätzen. Overnight stay in Hotel-Doppelzimmer for 50 Euro.

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Schmallenberger Sauerland Tourismus
