
Schüsse on Golfplatz: Attentat auf Trump vereitelt?

Schüsse on Golfplatz: Attentat auf Trump vereitelt?

Washington/West Palm Beach (dpa) – Two months after the attention of the US President Donald Trump has made a new attempt to reach the Republican president. The Bundespolizei FBI has joined a Sturmgewehr-bewaffneter Mann Trump at Golfspielen in the Club in West Palm Beach in the US-Bundesstaat Florida who wollte attacks. Trump is inexplicable, the most recent party. If we have the best expectations, a new escalation in the upward Wahlkampf dies before the presidential elections on November 5.

The secret service has joined Mann in Büschen

The Zwischenfall is ereignete sich am frühen Sonntagnachmittag (Ortszeit). The Secret Service, which in the US is for the US’s high political ranking, has played the Verdächtige nach eigen Kracht since Trump’s hundredth meter in the bus on the golf course and on the golf. Der Verdächtige soll danach in een Auto geflüchtet sein en das Gewehr en een Kamera zurückgelassen haben. Kurze Zeit später wurde is on a highway in the next party of Tatorts. The motive of man’s war is unclear. The police go for the Anwohnerinnen and Anwohner cannot make the best choice.

First in July there is a big fight going on, as a Schützen in Butler in the US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania, where a Wahlkampf-veranstaltung of the Fire on Trump has exploded. Der 78 years ago that I verlet, a bezoucher comb a ​​Leben. If you want to use the Schützen, the motivation is not clear.

The fall marks a Zäsur in Wahlkampf. Politicians and politicians have fallen behind political violence beyond party lines. Trump has spoken out about an unwanted backlash, which now speaks out against the Republican Party in his very aggressive rhetoric. If the secret service chef in the cabin gets the butler’s attention, the security services will change Trump’s Wahlkampf setups.

Harris: Gewalt hat keinen Platz in Amerika

The Republican will see the Wahl in the White House in November, it will be Democrat Kamala Harris. His opponent, since 2021 US president, writes after the accident in Florida: “Violence has no place in America.” First time Harris and Trump would see a fierce battle in a TV duel, while the Democrat the Republican Party is in the narrow lead.

Politically motivated aggression and violence in the Wahlkampf puts the country on the probe. After the attention for the July power of Trump’s candidate candidate JD Vance, US President Joe Biden has drawn attention for the responsible attention. Trump uselessly the attack on the enemy by spending money, his Wahlkampf team sold T-shirts with an iconic photo of the incidents, on the Trump with Blut am Gesicht the Faust in the high bill.

Trump: I became a real fighter

This is not long now, but Trump is directing his spending with a different expenditure. “It is a man in this world, who is notorious for everything, to stop us”, he is in one of those nights. “I was not eaten, for fighting. Ich werde niemals aufgeben.”

The great Trump supporter Marjorie Taylor Green who writes on platform X: “Dear Democrats and other active people in the media, how can you pay attention to Donald Trump as “the democracy”?

Democrats regularly warn that Trump has betrayed democracy. The issues have always come down to forward blame and sharp rhetoric – and not even a speech on the big political issues.

Look at the political issue in the US

The fall goes to questions about the security of the presidential candidates. The American government is immersed in the fact that a waffle is twenty meters away and the Trump re-emerges. The sheriff’s sister said that Trump had Schutz genius as an amateur president. “There is no amateur president – if it is true that we have visited the golf course,” he said.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who kidnapped Trump in the Wahlkampf, was able to bring his own Bundesstaat leaders a “truth” from the Vorfall and the Light.

There are increasingly higher political hats in the US, while the presidents will be more often of Zielscheibe. 1865 When the American president Abraham Lincoln appeared in the Loge one of the Theaters in the Hauptstadt Washington, there was a perfection of the Komödie. The American president John F. Kennedy won on November 22, 1963 in Dallas in the Bundesstaat Texas. When President Ronald Reagan entered the battle in Washington in 1981, a Leibwachter was schützend über ihn.