
Ingo Zamperoni und Juli Zeh bei NDR Info Auftaktveranstaltung zur “Hamburger Woche der …

Ingo Zamperoni und Juli Zeh bei NDR Info Auftaktveranstaltung zur “Hamburger Woche der …

NDR North German Round Radio

Hamburg (not)

NDR-info is available with an extensive program for a partner of the “Hamburger Woche der Pressefreiheit” from October 13 to 18, 2024 and will organize the Auftaktveranstaltung during the same period. The Hamburger Woche der Pressefreiheit is an initiative of the Körber Stiftung and the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS, one of the 30 partners involved.

Joachim Knuth, Intendant of the NDR: “The printing press can be a self-conscious representation. If democracy continues in Germany, there is no longer a great deal of respect. It is a free opinion and a group supported by democracy prüft and An incomprehensible perspective and an impulse in the power of the company is nothing more than the automatic shifting of that action, if it has undergone a failed veranstaltungsactie. Programs that promote freedom of the press are a country and a democracy that can exercise their power.”

Andreas Cichowicz, NDR editor-in-chief: “There is a lot of information about the investigation – that is not possible in some states of the world. The freedom of the press is increasing, which means that journalists and journalists can take greater risks if they lose their jobs. I and a strict security technique will be applied t, There is no criticism that you can use in the Netz Fake-Nachrichten Presse-freiheit for, that other information is as information about Germany and Europe without the program lasting longer independent reporting. And if the automatic veranstaltung expanded, was every and every tun can, to strengthen the Pressefreiheit.”

Auftaktveranstaltung and shipping with Ingo Zamperoni – Jetzt notification

In the “Hamburger Woche der Pressefreiheit” bietet NDR Info zwei Veranstaltungen für alle interessierten sowie Medienkompetenz-Angebote für Schülerinnen en Schüler en een Fachkonferenz für Journalistinnen en Journalisten an.

Bereits am 13. Oktober grüßt Ingo Zamperoni in the Auftaktveranstaltung der Aktionswoche Talk-Gäste zum Thema “Was it us or our sisters together?” This Frage beschäftigt der zeite Menschen im Land. What kind of roles do you play in the Middle Ages? Who is the Freiheit der Presse? What perspectives and listening tips are those? Juli Zeh, writer and ehrenamtliche journalism, the political leader and expert on transformations for Maja Göpel, like Johanna Weinhold, free journalist from Saxony and Georg Mascolo, ehem. SPIEGEL Chief Editor, investigative journalist and book author

The Auftaktveranstaltung starts on October 13 live from 11:00 am on Radio at NDR Info übertragen. From 5 p.m. the shipment will be sent to the ARD Media Library. I am NDR Fernsehen ist de Sendung am Montag 14. Oktober at 0:05 Uhr zu sehen. Tagesschau24 Strahlt de Diskussion am 14. October at 10:15 PM aus.

On service day, October 15, theme moderator Ingo Zamperoni and his wife, American journalist Jiffer Bourguignon, will speak in a live special follow-up of the hereditary NDR Info Podcasts “America, we must reason” about the Gefahren gezielter Disinformation im Vorfeld der US-Wahl and answered in the Zentralbibliothek am Hühnerposten auch Publikumsfragen.

An overview of all Angebote von NDR Info and Infos zur Anmeldung here:

“Newscamp” for Schulklasses and NDR Info Fachkonferenz for Journalistinnen and Journalists

On October 16, the NDR students and students will attend the 9th edition of the NDR Sendegebiet zum “Newscamp” at the NDR Gelände in Hamburg-Lokstedt. The parts of the NDR-info Nachrichtende redaktion von Hörfunk und Fernsehen besuchen en bei verschiedenen Workshops mit Journalist*innen ins Gespräch kommen. The moderators Kathrin Drehkopf (ZAPP) and Merlin van Rissenbek (Hamburg Journal) have found presenter Felix Edeha and other inheritance NDR reporters in the Arbeit von News-Redaktionen.

Learning skills can be registered in classes or groups from September 16 at

Additionally, NDR Info, in cooperation with the Hamburg Media School, presents interested journalists and journalists at the “NDR Info NewsFair” trade conference with impulses from science and practice as well as controversy discussions.

The subject is: “Who starts with the zunehmenden nachrichtenmüdigkeit?” One of the people who Zahl van Menschen has seen, was in Germany of the classical news media about a nutzt no more unhung message stattung of his own information. Who can median-schaffende react to that trend? Which new enterprise is a Publikum (zurück)zugewinnen?

About the Hamburger Woche der Pressefreiheit

The freedom of the press is the foundation for free opinion and will formation and offers an overview of our democracy. However, it is sorely mistaken: in different countries, worldwide, but also in Germany. A brand of machines and the pilgrimage of the freedom of the press for our sensitive democracy is that the Körber-Stiftung and the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS have initiated and set the Aktionswoche with NDR-info and more than 30 other partners and partners. From 13. to 18. October, the Hamburger Woche der Pressefreiheit begins one of the many programs with international guests, rich discussions and workshops.

NDR-info starts setting up programs for boats, companies and online activities in the field of press freedom for democracy and the sale of discourse.

More information here:

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Original content from: NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk, übermittelt durch news aktuell