
Fish from Müll as Mahnung for a saubere Umwelt

Fish from Müll as Mahnung for a saubere Umwelt

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Fish from Müll as Mahnung for a saubere Umwelt
Friederike Schloh (from left), Martina Bantje-Reuter and Jens Loesch are friends during the Project Week. The Schülerinnen and Schüler des Ratsgymnasiums are no longer gathered in the Plastikabfälle, but they have moved to Meerestiere. © Gefken

An art collection by rat gymnasts and the Rotary Club on Theme Abfall last until September 26 in the Rathaus.

Rotenburg – The Augen best from rotten Deckeln, the Körper is filled with plastic bags – the big fish in the Rathaus is the legacy of the projects “End Plastic Soup”, the kürzlich of Rotary-Club Rotenburg and the university gymnasium. Während a project week has its students and students of the sechsten and siebten classes and three days intensive with plastic auseinothergesetzt.

This is the first step in the battle against film and video history. I dare the Schülerinnen and Schüler themselves to become active. They gather in four groups – set up with Greifzangen and Warnwesten – Müll near the city church, on the Großen Straße, at the train station and in the Goethestraße. In their own four walls the plastic fall is over. A collection of the two days is lost in the day in the sea. With the support of art teacher Martina Bantje-Reuter the Schülerinnen and Schüler form more big fish and a Seal from Draht. The lake plugs can be filled with plastic and decorated.

Creative work and cordial facts

The creative works of art can be admired in the Rathaus Rotenburg. The operation is carried out with Facts such as “Nanoplastic found man in breast milk and in Northern Poland” or “It takes 450 years, a plastic bottle for the zersetzen”.

The initiator of the projects is Friederike Schloh from Rotary-Club Rotenburg, the concept of Rotenburg brought a common understanding with Jens Loesch at the university of the gymnasium. “With this project, children and young people will be made more aware of the problems associated with the world,” says Schloh. ‘End Plastic Soup’ is an idea by Rotarian Marja Ritterfeld, which may well be the change for the world.

Ausstellung über Verschmutzung der Meere

The Ausstellung der Plastikmüll-Tiere und zammengetrageneen Informationen kan nicht bis Donnerstag, 26. September, de üblichen Öffnungszeiten im Rathaus were besucht. Schools that are interested and have a project can report this at

“Insgemt 40 Kilo Müll haben die Kinder gesammelt“, reports Loesch, of the Engagement of the Schoolchildren and Schoolchildren is clearly concluded. “Darunter were especially bad Zigarette chickens.”

There are no children and young people left behind in the design of “Fast Fashion” and microplastics with their own look with consumption and demise. If you make a fragment from Passanten in Rotenburg, you can see it more. “The people came very nicely into the Grübeln”, Schloh remembers.