
Three new theme and adventure trails in Ettelsberg in Willingen and the Start

Three new theme and adventure trails in Ettelsberg in Willingen and the Start

  1. SauerlandKurier
  2. HSK
  3. Willingen

Three new theme and adventure trails in Ettelsberg in Willingen and the Start
Rikes Raupenweg: Children and children can accompany Raupe Rike on his journey to the Bergsee. © Ettelsberg Seilbahn

On the Ettelsberg in Willingen it was: Three new themes and adventures away from the start. If you are on Kleine Entdecker, Spaziergänger, Wanderer and Gaste, you will see the “Rundweg Skywalk/Schanze” again.

Willingen – The road is uninterestingly long and beets are for jedes Alter. Linnes Schatz, Rikes Raupenweg and the Ründchen heißen die Rundwege, who founded a Besucher aller Altersgruppen – not nur für Familien met Kindern gibt es fell on their deck. Start and see jewels at an unobstructed height from the eminence towers on the credible Ettelsberg Plateau.

Adventure game square

Zuletzt hatte de Ettelsberg-Seilbahn de grand Abenteuerspielplatz am Hochheideturm erneut en damit noch more Moeglichkeiten für Familien mit Kindern geschaffen – self-intelligible with free Eintritt.

“The Ettelsberg is not attractive for fußgänger, ausflügler und for allem für Familien mit Kindern als Ziel nor attractive,” says Seilbahn-Geschäftsführer Jörg Wilke. Outside of the wool man, a cleaner and brighter area around Ettelsberg and Mühlenkopf beziehungsweise dem Skywalk. So it’s a shame during the busy weeks with a big clearance of the new theme and experience solutions. There are a number of elements that can do the building work: Here is a larger Rabe, a Schmetterling, here Frosch, a Dachs, another Stelle das Modell, a Kohlenmeilers or an über-dimensional Bird’s Nest.


Inspired by the order “Lasst uns mal ein Ründchen gehen” in Sauerländer Slang, one of the new circular routes is simply called S’Ründchen. It is wonderful to wander around and relax during a short run with relax, relax and relax. You can use a picnic bench and a massage bench at one of the places in the Waldrand area.

Another highlight on the Rundweg is the nature, because Holzliegen has a Verweilen and a fantastic view of the Upländer Bergwelt loaded. At the end of the route, the largest route in the Sauerland – a great place to visit the photo point.

Rikes Raupenweg

When you travel around the Bergsee, you will be able to enjoy your journey, and you will be able to enjoy your journey with each other: you will be able to enjoy your journey with your travel companion – or enjoy your journey with your holiday. If the mountain majors Bilderbuchseiten erlebt man, wie ich Rike op de Weg zum Ettelsberg might. Ihr Kompass diet ihr die Richtung, zum Bergsee. Have a problem, cross it and fall into a Loch – what’s the problem? What was passive with ihr?

“We are sure, the young explorer finds Rike and experience an exciting development”, says Jörg Wilke. If that is the case, it is the case that changes on the Ettelsberg may find a completed leisure design.

Linen Treasure

Great interest and love in detail how the team of the Ettelsberg-Seilbahn has placed a project leader in Marina Kieweg in the conversion of the driven roads: “Linnes Schatz” is the most advanced of the new theme path.

Diesem Erlebnisweg is etwas in Deutschland Einmaliges entstanden. An interactive journey for children with their own years and families via the app. When the nose of the tires of “Linnes Bande” young Linne experiences at the treasure zsuche on the Ettelsberg. Erschwert with the absence of the free Raben Horstje. But be sure to have a good time with the tips you have received, as well as information about the input from the materials from the material. The end of the inspection is a kilometer long stretch of Linne and a tire that offers an insight, while the young Entdecker a small bowl with his bell and reminders. Der Reispräis für die Schatzsuche beträgt 2 Euro per Kind, bzw. nasal voice Bandenmitglied.

At the new installation of the Seilbahn-Gesellschaft there is talk of a secret company. “A great work of the highest quality, which has made it all happen”, thanks to Managing Director Wilke. Empty various large equipment, for the play on the adventure playground, and another other element has been provided by a super-regional special company. It is gold-plated for the display of the new app for “Linen Treasure”. If you have less costs, the costs are lower. A QR code is located among other places at the valley station of the Seilbahn, on the new website Here is a lot of information about the road and other information about the Ettelsberg in the lesson.