
Spatenstich with LR Simone Schmiedtbauer: Erweiterungsbau at the Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Stainz

Spatenstich with LR Simone Schmiedtbauer: Erweiterungsbau at the Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Stainz

The Festakt fand im Festsaal, der Spatenstich im free statt: The Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Stainz is around 840 Quadratmeter grossen Zubau erweitert. The project costs amount to 5 1/2 million. Euro.

Schüler der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule übernahmen die Administrator at the entrance and the musical accompaniment of the spatenstichfeier, before the director Johannes Kollmann in the festival hall that guests will come here. „We are born, it is possible“, read with a Spruch from LR Hans Seitinger (1961-2024) ein, der in een seiner letzten die Weichen für den Zubau in Stainz gestelt hat. With dem Welcome a LR Simone SchmiedtbauerBRA Doris BundBgm. Karl BohnstinglWorld Cup Regionalestellenobmann Manfred KainzChamberlain Michael TemmelDistrict farmers Angelika Wechtitschthe directors Roswitha Walch, Maria Haring-WeiglAbout Lieutenant. Franz Griesser (für die Abt. 10, Land-/Forstwirtschaft), LSI Johannes Hüttergirlfriend Martin Pölzl (for the Landesimmobiliengesellschaft), Christoph Jocher (for the Planning Office) and Gewerke Johann Gegg the field of the Begrüßungsliste is entitled to a umfangreich aus. With photos of Entstehen, the Erweiterung and the provisional Zubauten blickte is auf die bauliche History the school back. “If you can wait long,” you say that it is temporarily bare for sale. If Total year of construction there is an amount of 5 ½ million. Euro.

Fertility Institute Autumn 2025

Auf de Langlebigkeit von Provisorien comb in de seine boat Address details such as Martin Pölzl, Geschäftsführer der Landesimmobilien GmbH (LIG) zu sprechen. Konkret sprach is de Lehrküchen und nun in nicht Räumlichkeiten to surpass became. “The work done has begun successfully”, concrete is the source of the LIG, for those Plans to ensure that Know how zur Verfügung zu set en die Financing so sure. The idea of ​​projects is that an effective representation of the quality and the learning quality of the welding can lead. The fertigstellung is for the Fall 2025 planted. “The Spatial Stich is the end of a long Vorlaufzeit”, verriet Franz Grießer, Abteilungsleiter der Landesabteilung 10, that dies Pre-processing ready a year later. If the eingechten is used, the dishes and the courses are the best way to do this. It is wise to enter the Ausbildungsstätten landscape Regions to purchase. “Stainz passes da nahtlos hinein”, verwies is auf die zwanzig Fachschulen in der Steiermark. Bei der Auftragsvergabe sei versucht, so fell regional Quality and reliable performance that can possibly be generated.

Wood as a precursor to Baustoff

The project developed by the architect of Christoph Jocher vom Architektenbüro „cebra Architects“in Graz. “Die Erweiterung erolgt im südlichen Bereich“, it stated clearly, that is the Zubau nahtlos in das von Architekten Wolfgang Kapfhammer (1938-2021) Geschaffene Gebäude und die Gegend einfüge. „A free view is a pleasant one“, there is a production area, kitchen, living space, Wirtschaftsleitung, Anlieferung, Lehrbetrieb Fleisch, Umkleideraum und Müllstelle, die im to build Place found. There is a courtyard terrace where you can use the technology at your leisure. “We create climate bronze”, it states clearly, that in front of the Rohstoff Wood used in Riegel- and Massivbauweise. The ground floor elements were made of steel concrete. Die Flat building style Erlaubt de Nutzung des Daches with a photovoltaic installation, all Fenster are with a Sonnenschutz ausgestattet. The Flächenanteil is new 840 m21,125 m2 were covered. “It is a work in progress”, please note Construction phase from September 2024 to June 2025 and die Remediation phase im Altfile from June to September 2025.

Spattenstichfeier as bleibende Erinnerung

“Wir haben ein fürchterliches Living experiences”, as LR Simone Schmiedtbauer enters the scenes Ignorant in Ganz Österreich. If the guilt is not resolved, a great Freude has arisen. „It is beautiful in a circle“, concrete one, that is the anchor of Civil Engineering and a moderate Ground version the search was found in Neubau. The regional concern is very specific because of the Tatsache, which means that there is a new Schüler in the planning team to work with. In de Verwendung von nachwachsendem Holz und der Gestaltung des Projects im Team I have created another district. „The wonderful Hektare since the ertragreichsten“, lie sie sie, that’s more foursome Mio. Euro for the Bau von Schulen and the Ausbildung of Pädagogen vorgesehen since. „Political separations are not accepted alone“, that is the case with the Schülern, Consciousness imagery If you would like to know more about your landwirtschaftlichen topics, please report them to us. “Eine Schule is auch für die Gemeinde wichtig”, taxierte sie die Spatenstichfeier as Moment, den man gene als Innering for spa with nachhause nimmt. Danach goes over into the regneric free time, um den Spatula stitch in those Tat umzusetzen. With the Worten, that a House to a Masse sei and Lebendigkeit was first achieved by the People, said Director Johannes Kollmann zum to envelop in the Speiseraum, the view from which you can see the construction work is very bright.