
Start for fun: Action & Events in Cottbus-Sachsendorf

Start for fun: Action & Events in Cottbus-Sachsendorf

Mitmachen, feiern en enddecken! In die Woche lebt der Cottbuser Stadtteil Sachsendorf so focused on. The Bürgerverein Sachsendorf/Madlow eV is organizing an action week to “choose life”. From September 18 to 21, 2024 there was another event in the Bunten Welt abwechslungsreiche Events, which said that it is a bit loose. Power is in the hands of a lesung with Franziska Steinhauer. The first “Quizlabor” followed on the Donnerstag, here is a presentation event. On September 20, the city center will transform into a gaming area with Mario Kart-Turnier and Tischkicker-Firmencup. The Abschluss-bildet is September 21, a day of attack with live concert of the Rappers “Asian” in the Bunten Welt. The Eintritt zu all Veranstaltungen ist gratis.

Experience the Kiez zum Mitfeiern and Mitmachen!

There is nothing else here than ‘Here is long-term’ – it is often the case that you are in the peripheral layers of the classic plattenbaugebiete. These can start the Bürgerverein Sachsendorf/Madlow eV in cooperation with the integration and city administration in one of the rides under the title “Kiez (er)leben”. The enjoyment of cultural enthusiasts in the inner city may know, what would like it not to die in Kiez? The citizen’s association finds its origins in the Verantwortung, the urban object and the small “Kulturzentrum Bunte Welt” with more Leben zu full. Outside of concerts found in the Time from 18.-21.09.2024 new Formate statt.

Teaching & Quizlabor

The Veranstaltenden are hereditary males themselves, Franziska Steinhauer zu einer Lesung “Menschenfänger” am Mittwoch, dem 18.09.2024 af 17.30 Uhr (Einlass 17.00 Uhr) begrüßen zu dürfen. The end of the day is free, the platzkapazität has begun. Tags were found in the Bunten Welt das Eerste Quizlabor um 19.00 Uhr (Einlass 18.30 Uhr) statt. A notification is included on eerorderlich.

E-sports event & Tichkicker Cup on Friday

On Friday 20.09.2024 the city center turned into a gaming area. There are 32 Super Mario Kart pilots online gegeneinander and parallel 24 teams at Tischkicker Firmencup. Moderation during the event by DJ Tobi Müller. The registration procedure is the website of the Bürgervereins ( to start. Attractive prizes are offered at both competitions.

Tag der crimes Tür & Hio Hio Festival am Samstag

Ihren Abschluss found the Mottowoche on Samstag, on 21.09.2024 in a day of transgression in the Bunten Welt, where the Dorthuis Vereine and Institutionen had a einblick in Ihre Tätigkeiten bieten. The hours are open at 2:30 PM. Leibliche Wohl is taken care of. It was ready to start from 7 p.m. (Einlass 6 p.m.) with Konzert „Bunte Welt trifft Hip Hop Vol. II” with local dealings with Mr. Pinc, OSTRICHO, Paitheck Elms, Zastah and Onkel OXO. The Abends headliner is “Der Asiate”. The 16 and 17 years are an Elternerlaubnisschreiben (Muttizettel) inheritance orderlich. The entrance is free here.

Creative Design

Umrahmt wird die Woche in gestalteric form of a with MJ Art with Herz, of an object of some motivation through Graffiti art. Actions will be taken by the IGBCE, as the organizations will express renewed gratitude. The Veranstaltenden freuen über een reg Teilnahme and Interest in the Angebotenenen, so wie über neat Gespräche, Anregungen zu weitern Veranstaltungen and qualitative gut miteinander Zeit.