
“Heart and heart”-Petra has more questions about Euro Debt – Jobcenter soll afür aufkommen

“Heart and heart”-Petra has more questions about Euro Debt – Jobcenter soll afür aufkommen

Petra and Pascal argue about 2,600 Euro

And now that’s it: Petra had a short holiday in the Hausverwaltung of another home in Mannheim. Insgesamt 2,651.10 Euro Mietrückstände desires der alte Vermieter von de Bürgergeld-Empfängern. That could not be between Petra and Pascal. “I would rather have a Job Center and set up a Darlehen-Antrag. Then I got my money’s worth with a 25 Euro discount on the caution. Then I would stop kürzertreten,” said Petra at “Hartz and herzlich”. If the rate is small, it is pouring in the eight years the bet has expired.

Dennoch is Petra from Dessau, away from his life. “We have no bad weather, no shower, no warm water, no other Leute angewiesen,” said Petra Damals at “Hartz en herzlich”. “If I had known what happened here, I would not have been sucked back in and would rather have stayed in the Schimmelwohnung,” said it was so. The Umzug nach Dessau sees it as a greater Fehler – now that everything will be better in Mannheim.

The new Folgen von “Hartz en herzlich” said RTLZWEI tag at 6:05 PM.