
TV-Richterin Barbara Salesch verrät, wie is privy lebt

TV-Richterin Barbara Salesch verrät, wie is privy lebt

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TV director Barbara Salesch said she had a private messenger stand. In an interview, the comrade was the power.

Petershagen – The summer break did not last long for the TV Judge Barbara Salesch (74), in 2022 after the year that a TV Comeback gab took place, which is over. I am proud of the joy of the journey in the light of the disaster, enjoy the moments of peace and joy in my life. In a kürzlich geführten interview that is not focused on your basic nature with its own hereditary ehrlichen Aussagen.

TV-Richterin Barbara Salesch verrät, wie is privy lebt

If you have brilliant glasses and a deliciously rotten hair, you can see Barbara Salesch as eccentric bezeichnen. Although the TV lawyer ended up in his spare time with a promi-broadcast or with extravagant, free activities, that is so. Ganz im Gegenteil: Barbara Salesch sees in her free time, above all in the fight with Hündin Piri, and the fresh Luft.

TV Director Barbara Salesch
In her Fernsehshow, Barbara Salesch dealt with the different skurrile Straffälle. Zu Hause may welcome the TV Richterin today. © IMAGO / Panama photos

“I have been bummelted, I have been living in a Black Forest here and then with my own eyes and have not been able to cope at all for a while,” said Salesch in an interview “Fur”. They say: “I have a large garden with more lying and all the lying behind my eyes. We always have a wonderful life. I’m really happy with my home.”

Barbara Sales’s natural hat is no longer spent in her summer period. In November, the Hobby Artist plans an exhibition in Dresden, in its woodcut and collagen freezing. If you are no longer working in the garden or in the studio, it is a good idea to use the other Gesellschaft.

TV Icon Barbara Salesch: So say I’m free

“I am in the holidays and always loved and then bought and returned with everything,” says the TV star about their friendship. Obwohl die 74-Jährige in his typical direct art concrete, as the “no hotel with full board”, bought the situated light for his friends.

A Candidate is composed of “Gefragt – Gejagt” for an overshoot. It is the wife of a TV star who is in the triumph of the show.