
Krebs-Drama a Nachwuchskeeper (19)! Player was amputated

Krebs-Drama a Nachwuchskeeper (19)! Player was amputated

Drama by Nachwuchskeeper by Union Berlin

Bonecrush! Torwart-Talent is amputated by Bone

Berkin Arslanogullari .jpg

Torwart-Talent Berkin Arslanogullari must undergo an amputation.

GoFundMe / Berkin Arslanogullari

Hiobsbotschaft for football talent!

Berkin Arslanogullari tries to save his child, becoming Fußball-Profi. But dieser Traum is a brutal art and weise-platzt. Dem 19 years old, it must be amputated anyway.

Amputation prevents Fortschreiten der Erkrankung

Before our Monaten the Berkin Arslanogullari laut seines Union Berlin the Shock-Diagnosis: Knochenkrebs. At the age of 19, in the first seasons of the season, the professional camp began, ​​​​begins with the most young championships. If “all treatments and more intensive chemotherapy” are carried out, the Krebs can not be besieged, because the Bundesligist continues. Whole in Gegenteil. It comes even worse: Before we could use the link’s nachwuchs talent, it was amputated. Only a fortress cry of the Infirmity can be hindered. If you take Arslanogullari in hand and notice the best infirmity.

Berkin Arslanogullari .jpg

Berkin Arslanogullari träumte von a career as Fußball-Profi.


Familie braucht nach Krebs-Schock finanzielle Unterstützung

The amputation is an absolute horror scenario and an even greater herausforderung for Arslanogullari and his eltern. Due to the necessary care for your son can no longer work. It can be a problem if you notice a problem. Think of the treatment and the treatment of urgent money. If this Grund has a friend of the family, money is spent.

“A new home or urgent treatment and the preceding rehabilitation is for the new start an urgent inheritance order and enormous costs”, he is on the expenses. Um “the financial last time that the linder and the birch get the best chance for a future fuller hofnung zu geben” is every beitrag heavy.

From 1. FC Union Berlin and the Stiftung „UNION VEREINT. Schulter and Schulter are prepared. Thanks more for spending since Stand Montagabend (September 16, 8:59 PM) with 83,784 Euro in total. 83,784 Euro, the Berkin and the Signaler Family zumindest etwas Hoffnung donate. The spending campaign can be found here.


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