
Tierische Rettungsaktion des Heeres in de Hochwasser-Gebiet

Tierische Rettungsaktion des Heeres in de Hochwasser-Gebiet

If the tragic fates, if time in Lower Austria is here, are still a fateful event with a happy ending.

“A dramatic history went well,” begins Michael Bauer, Speaker of the Defense Ministeriums seinen Beitrag on X (ehemal Twitter). Was war passion?

On Saturday, a Black Hawk of the Bundesheer must rescue more people. They were after a car accident from the washing machines and could no longer get out of their own kraft paper. In one of the cars it is a woman with their Hund Hexi. The woman must get the warnings of her four friends and bring their affairs to a Krankenhaus.

Two days long were both of them getting. Hexi-War in der Zwischenzeit in er Obhut des Heeres. In the Fliegerhorst Langenlebarn the soldiers battled in the rearranged situation on the level. The Montag could use the Hexi blesser that was put on the mountain, so it is necessary to avoid all the damage that can be accomplished at the end.