
Warm Urlaubs trends for Christmas and Winter holidays

Warm Urlaubs trends for Christmas and Winter holidays

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Warm Urlaubs trends for Christmas and Winter holidays
In winter, the Turkish temperature is often mild – the country is in the Veranstaltern zunehmend zum Ganzjahresziel. © Robert Günther/dpa-tmn

If it is a bit boring and delicious, there is a certain time in the warm flight: it will not last long. Neben Klassikern wie de Kanaren is, is a new Ziele im Kommen.

Berlin/Frankfurt – Do you have an idea, we should go on a winter holiday? Do you want to spend Christmas in the warmth? Many people have been lucky and can be in bed for hours. And although this is not yet the case, here is everything for the coming winter season: Discounts, Trends, Offers and Spartipps for the Auszeit von der Cold.

Do you want to lose the Winter Season?

At the Veranstaltern as a rule from 1. November. The Christmas, Winter and Easter holidays also fell in the winter period, when they rose until the end of April. From 1. Beginning with the summer tourist season.

Who is worth the price for winter travel?

They are not strong and mancherorten have fallen in the past – so less trouble from a breach of the dpa theme services is a great anstaltary situation.

  • At the Dertour-Gruppe, at the Dertour on the Marken ITS and Meiers Weltreisen, a man focuses on a very stable Preisbild with Preisanstiegen im niedrigen eintelligen Bereich.
  • Tui Deutschland describes the price development in the winter as moderate and analogous inflation. Austria, Egypt, Thailand, the United Arab Emirate and Kuba remained as travel soul sogar “preisstabil”.
  • There is now no more news about the Anex-Gruppe with the Marken Anex Tour, Neckermann Reisen, Bucher Reisen and Öger Tours. Preiserhöhungen in Ländern wie Spanien, Portugal, der Türkei und Ägypten lägen zwischen 3 und 5 Prozent.
  • At Alltours you can say that the journey of the break for a break varies greatly in travel spirit. Our destinations have become more favorable since the Düsseldorfer Flugreisespezialist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. The duration of the journey for the trip is about 7 Prozent sunk. Travel to Egypt since 2024 in Schnitt with 2.5 Prozent günstiger. Mallorca will be stable in the spring of 2023. A little more money costs during travel to the Canary Islands and to the Türkei, which costs 3.5 per cent.

Was gibt es a Frühbucher-Rabatten?

Your country and time punk have never been so high as a man goes bald. Grant for Egypt the representative parts discount from up to 50 percent. In other regions cases the discount is lower.

Whoever is still spared with a fresh book, can see an annex edition to the part until the end of September the high discount – as a rule, so: “Hotels are here unused first.” Also Alltours takes the end of September as a date for a discount of up to 35 percent. If a book appears on the October run, it is only 15 days drinking, then the price for the winter period is great.

If you no longer have any Buchungsstichting, you can be sure that problems will arise. Darauf weist Dertour hin. Teilweise sind die Rabatte dort auch nach Zeiträumen gestaffelt – etwa, wenn man 30, 45, 60 or der 90 Tage vor Abreise bucht and dadurch Nachlässe erhält.

The idea of ​​a hint to the Rabatten: If man perhaps has a fresher Urlaub-buchen, it is for the Veranstalter-gut, we will see the large flight and hotel quotas with a larger size and the timely books that provide a certain planning security.

If the frühbucherbatte has attractive properties: who fell at the end of the journey, it is not so transparent as he is found. If the rat is gilded, it is not that the prozenten get less las, but a few travel minutes of vergleichen and achten, on all desired performances included are. Transfers from the airport to the hotel etc.

If you go on vacation in winter, this is a wonderful experience and an inappropriate travel program suitable for the trip. “If you were lucky enough to have a wonderful stay, you would still be happy to buy it.”

Wann und Wohin: Was this a trend?

Show more Urlauber tendieren wieder zum früheren Buchen. You see a strong Frühbuchertrend, the large German Veranstalter bislang a sweaty Buchungsplus in Vergleich zur voorherigen Wintersaison protects. Auch Alltours is looking at the trip in the summer, with the dertour group, which starts on September 40 in the winter. Prozent über dem Vorjahr.

While the Osterferien had a major tenteils in 2025 in the fallen April, the Buchungslage was very wrong, it is again etwa at Dertour. The Buchungszahlen are in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr as well as on the Fern-as well as on the Kurz- and Mittelstrecke im Schnitt more as doubled, so the great German Veranstalter.

If you play the natural FTI plea of ​​the Frühsommer on a role: Kunden, while the woman is at her nun insolvent Veranstalter bucht, as her journey, another journey and another journey, Alltours and Co damit Zuwächse. Flug- and hotel quotas, the FTI hat, wanders off to the Mitbewerbern.

Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt are benefiting from the winter climate – and it is the case that the journey has been fragmented over the years. The trend is generally towards a long season in many hours of sunshine, and in Greece with early Start in Spring and a longer day with Angeboten in the Spätherbst-hinein.

“Wir dern die Entwicklung neuer Ganzjahres-Destinationen ausdrücklich,” said Dertour-Zentraleuropa chief Ingo Burmester. “If the background of the overtourism discussion stops with a Verlengerung der Saison in believing destinations for sin, a Urlaubsströme will be ganzjährig about the verteilen.”

Was his über Weihnachten, Silvester und de Winterferien gefragt?

Clearly, it stood out in the Winter Holidays in the Mountains for Skiing. A Silvester herrscht a “Sondersaison”, so Tui, where the city focuses on, believes that it goes to New York, London, Dubai, Berlin or Hamburg.

Silvester on Times Square in New York
Happy New Year in Big Apple: New York is a faith for travel in Silvester. © Adam Hunger/AP/dpa-tmn

Among the European winter holidays in the mountains of Spain, among the Canary Islands and Mallorca, the Veranstaltern laut in the Buchungsgunst der Urlauber for the Ferienttermine oft ganz vorn, followed, among others, by the Turkei.

Viel Angebot, aber auch Urlauber-Nachfrage bestht für Ägypten. Trotz des Nahost-Konfliekes has als land schon im vergangen Jahr zum zum zum zweitstärksten Ziel in Winter entwickelt, heißt es at Alltours. For the upcoming winter season factory of the Veranstalter dort nach eigenen a weiteres Wachstum of more than 50 Prozent and a volume of more than 100,000 guests.

Hyatt Regency in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Gypten is booming in the travel industry. The host conflict is evident from a uncertainty factor. © Andrea Warnecke/dpa-tmn

Egypt became booming, said industry expert Michael Buller with Blick on the winter period – with a einschränkung: “Man was naturally deprived, was in his oriental passion. If the situation is different, the negative impact of the problems can occur”, so the Vorstand of the Internet Reisvertrieb (VIR), the interest of the digital tourism sector. Egypt borders Israel and the Gaza Strip and is also the Vermittler that makes Israel and Hamas active.

City view of Porto, Portugal
View on Porto: Portugal has made more trips in the winter period on the Zettel. © Robert Günther/dpa-tmn

The Fernreisezielen lie Thailand, Länder in Indian Ocean, the Maldives, Länder in der Karibik which form the Dominican Republic, North America and the United Arab Emirate. “We see a strong Nachfrage nach exotic travel souls. This is a great way to stay on the market with exotic travel during the winter season with attractive attractions,” said Tui-Deutschland chief Stefan Baumert.

Welche Spartipps hat of the professionals?

VIR-Vorstand Michael Buller rät, the Pauschalreise-Angeboten was so expensive, when a man bought a Flüge and a hotel. While you save a little, you can get an overview of the best travel lawful trip, which offers a break from the Veranstalter. The man is gone.

If you use the travel expenses profi, you can no longer pay the costs for your trip in the Blick and no more costs for your flight and hotel. “In the USA, the Beispiel is an explosively exploded consumer price. It is crazy what you pay for food or restaurant visits.”

Other other souls, like in the Ferne, are in that punk that we like to see in Germany. Dort cares about the benefits of little money and goods and services. “Gerade dann können sich auch Ferienhäuser lohnen, order Unterkünfte ohne Verpflegung”, so Buller. Gold-Plated Prices: If you’re paying for your trip at an all-inclusive hotel, this is a good idea.

Golden Temple in Bagan, Myanmar
Ferne lockt gerade dann, wenn es in Deutschland kalt ist – etwa Myanmar. © Robert Günther/dpa-tmn

A nice starting point is the Federal Statistical Office with its international price comparisons, which are abrufbar online. dpa