
Germany: Klimapolitik der Ampel-Regierung kunstassungswidrig

Germany: Klimapolitik der Ampel-Regierung kunstassungswidrig

© BUND Jan Kräutle / Klimaklage gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
© BUND Jan Kräutle / Klimaklage gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Klimaschutz ist Menschenrecht – BUND and SFV report the Federal Republic of Germany in Karlsruhe read more Klimaschutz

Berlin/Aachen – The Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) und der Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland (SFV) reichten voor het community met four Klagenden – Kerstin Lopau, Karola Knuth, André Wendel, Dr. Mareike Bernhard – at the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) there is a climate change in the Federal Republic of Germany. “The Bundesregierung schafft is nicht, de herausforderungen der Climate and ihren Verassungsrechtlichen Pflichten would be justice”, both Verbände explain übereinstimmend.

Susanne Jung, General Manager of the SFV: “Wir wollen die Bundesregierung zu more Anstrengungen beim Klimaschutz verpflicht. Ausreden and political unwillingness can no longer help us. The knowledge of science is so alarming that there is a gefährlichen Scheideweg for the fun generations.”

Olaf Bandt, BUND President: “Answer about climate change, the Federal Government has taken care of climate change. The climate protection law can be written down and wesentlicher elements beraubt. Wir nehmen diese Untätigkeit nicht hin. Climate protection is a human right – it is the Wetterextreme that will last for years. If we complain about it, we complain about climate protection, there is a good chance of power.”

After the 2021 “Klima-Beschluss” of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Dutch Climate Policy Schritte aus. Extreme Hitze, Waldbrände, Starkregen and Overschwemmungen have cost many people and destroyed people all these years. Diese Ereignisse nehmen zu. The German Klimapolitik occurs when there is knowledge of the science of climate walking without any recognition. The German Gesetzgebung is verstößt nach Auffassung der Beschwerdeführer*innen daher with my unzureichenden Klimapolitik gegen das Grundgesetz. The latest Novelle des Klimaschutzgesetzes (KSG) has not even solved the problem. The Soul and Ambition Level of the German Climate Policy is deutlich zu low. The largest part of the trade must finance the climate fund, a rightfully anchored limit of a global 1.5 degree maximum Erderheatzung, one of the next climate crises can no longer stop. The ‘Treibhausgas budget’, which Germany still has in 2020 with fairer communication, has been further and more overtaken by those who dismiss the complaint under the hint on IPCC calculations.

Climate protection is a human right

The Constitutional Award is formed by Attorney-at-law Dr. Franziska Heß and Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Ekardt, who are legal representatives. Both of them held the first Constitutional Award in 2018 in the Auftrag von SFV and BUND. This complaint will be followed in 2021 in essential points. With the new KSG and the insight into the climatic conditions, there is no question of the Walk to Karlsruhe boats.

Franziska Heß and Felix Ekardt conclude: “The Constitution requires a significantly higher level of ambition for climate protection. The German climate budget has been created today. Statistics have not been implemented by the Federal Government with the reform of the climate protection laws 2024 during the upgrading of the sector and the abolition of the overprotection mechanism when reducing climate protection. Germany’s concrete climate commitments are also largely lacking.” Dadurch vertoße die deutsche Gesetzgebung gegen die Freiheitsrechte, das Recht auf Leben und Gesundheit und das Staatsziel Umweltschutz (Art. 2 Abs. 1, 2 Abs. 2, 20a GG). While the climate walk deals with the physical Grundlagen, there is no longer any question of freedom, and a long shift and then in the current time of climate politics, after the BVerfG-Klima-Beschluss, it was a Grundrechtsproblem.

The Verfassungsbeschwerde nimmt also ausführlich zum Verbandsklarecht Stellung. After 2018, the first German goal is to remain legally compliant, say the Legal Advertisers of BUND and SFV now for the Hintergrund des Urteils des Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) of April 2018. die Klageberechtigung maximal en begründen dies out.

Who is behind the Complaint

Beschwerdeführende since the BUND and the SFV anyway four single-minded people, who understand your complaint personally who follows:

Kerstin Lopau, 33 years old, Engineer for Sustainable Energy and Green Solar Collectors: “I build a concrete alternative, but that is what makes a difference in the heating stone – wortwörtlich. Solange the Bundesregierung could sabotage successive Klimaschutz, reicht is nicht. There must be jetzt Maßnahmen auf höchster Ebene her. The Bundesregierung is a sin of a civilian trade, and that can also happen to the Klage.”

Karola Knuth, 23 years old, a student in Heidelberg, commits herself to the Bundesvorstand der BUNDjugend: “The Directorate must guide the free people and the generations of schützen who will compensate for the resulting climate protection power. Germany can be honest Anteil am globalen CO2-Budget zur Einhaltung der 1,5-Grad-Brenze bereits aufgebraucht. Every 100,000 tons of CO2 it brings with it is worth it. Experience, if the Regierungskoalition einknickt, wenn es Gegenwind gibt. Those Zickzackkurs risk our problems and our rights to be free. I am happy, that is the highest German judgment that defines the guidelines for climate protection even more clearly.”

André Wendel, 54 years old, bus driver in Leipzig, workshop member: “From my point of view, the Federal Government has not exhausted its domestic duties. If we no longer have mobility and if we get the Wohlstand through the climate crisis, the possibilities of radical economics and extended financing will increase. You cannot start if you are no longer passive. I want to consider the consequences of climate protection and a social justice.”

Dr. Mareike Bernhard, 35 years old, assistant nurse in Koblenz, involved in “Health for Future”, mother of three small children: “If I am happy with the healthy lifestyle, the climate will confront me. Only when we were going to die to the world, which had experienced hundreds of Pilgern of the enormous Hitze at the Hadsch in Mecca. While one of the people in Mitteleuropa left the Zahl der Hitzetoten, Zehntausende was in the last two summers of Europe. View of the human consequences of Leiden’s power but the inability of the Federal Government to make a difference.”


The Verfassungsbeschwerde is one of the three, the nice German Environmental Association together with Kläger*innen of all Teilen der Gesellschaft against the unsoureichende Klimapolitik der Bundesregierung, which falls under the Entkernung des Klimaschutzgesetzes (KSG). Neben the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland (SFV) and the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) führen de Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH) to view Greenpeace and Germanwatch jewels on a watch.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /