
Environment: Viele Beschäftigte offen für KI

Viele Berufstätige reads ich im Job schon von Künstlicher Intelligenz helfen. If you want to take a risk – and report your debts.

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in de Arbeitsalltag valer Unternehmen in Deutschland bereits Einzug content – en wird von derren Beschäftigten nach einer Umfrage moreheitlich als hilarious gesehen. So go to the Umfrage in the Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft PwC quickly four of the Berufstätigen (38 Prozent) and a generative KI-Anwendungen in Job zu nutzen. Add 45 options to tools like ChatGPT, DeepL or Microsoft Copilot.

85 percent of the reports, in the internal AI deployment is ready to go, indicate that they can complete tasks faster thanks to such applications. 83 percent report a higher credit rating, when you use AI. I think that the technology of the Umfrage is in the company at the Texterstellung (43 percent) and at the Transfers (38 percent) for deployment. Jewels are a handsome three (32 percent) who want to use smart intelligence for research, support or support in the reporting of e-mails. Four people use AI tools to post messages or manage social media channels.

Hendrik Reese, AI expert at PwC, spoke of a rapid development. If it goes fast, a solution to the problem will be found, because it is likely that “other halves may have more efficiency or digital models than ever”. Continuing, he said to the middle class. “Here AI solutions or the first point of implementation are implemented”, said Uwe Rittmann, the family business and middle class at PwC Germany. This is how the interest in AI goes beyond the basic heights.

If you use Sorgen you can do this. So if you want a quick selection of the data (46 Prozent), KI can be used a missbräuchlich. The Sorge, to “become abolished and useless” by the KI, is performed in 22 steps of the turmoil. Verbreiteter sind diese Befürchtungen bei jüngeren Berufstätige from the Altersgruppe 18 to 29 Jahre (27 Prozent), während emptlich 17 Prozent der 60- to 65-Jährigen diese haben.

The Umphage said it was a major undertaking, as in Sachen KI-Tools fortzubilden – aber auch noch fell Nachholbedarf. First four of the fragments (28 Prozent) could release one or more Fortbildingen of generative AI. Very good knowledge of this theme. The theme is self-evident and the writing (33 chapters) of the poems. A handsome Drittel (32 Prozent) has its own Knowledge as Ausreichend, quickly jeder vierte Beschäftigte Räumte at the Umfrage one, mangelhafte (24 Prozent) Kenntnisse zu haben and 11 Prozent gaben een, keine Kenntnisse zu besitzen.