
ROADPOL Action Week “Safety Days” 2024 – Osthessen|News

ROADPOL Action Week “Safety Days” 2024 – Osthessen|News

The Police is involved in the ROADPOL Action Week “Safety Days” 2024 – Symbol photo: ON/Henrik Schmitt

Reduce traffic congestion

17.09.24 – The number of traffic accidents on European roads is reduced – it is the soul of Roadpol. There are other things that occur in the “Safety Days”. All these years the osthessische Polizei are threatened.

Day of Action – “Vision ZERO”

Besonders im Blick is on September 18th. The European Soul of “Vision ZERO”, the reduction of im Road Traffic gets people to NULL, would be reformed by the special Zählung der in the European Union the Verunglückten and diesem Tag. When the two of them formed a contract in Hesse, the tag “ZERO” was attached.

“Live safe and stay alive”

The theme of the “Safety Days” is that the Awareness Signal for a safe story in the Straßenverkehr and the inherent Rücksichtnahme of the Verkehrsteilnehmenden of the ground, a Soul of Vision Zero no longer comes. Under the slogan: “Safe life and stay alive (Secher Leben und am Leben bleiben)” would be in the action of an entrepreneur a risky undertaking in the street traffic laid. If your household appliances of traffic accidents have another high temperature, alcohol or drying, alcohol and unnoticed use. Traffic accidents, which are based on this reason, were also avoidable. If you notice a problem, you lose or aggressive products in street traffic back.

Social media channel in use for people

The Hessian police are engaged in social media activities with ROADPOL, so that the Osthesse police on X, Facebook and Instagram under @polizei_oh and the hashtags #zeromeanslife is #roadsafety. Here the Verkehrsteilnehmenden zur Reflection des eigen Verhaltens im Straßenverkehr have become angry. Aber auch das Verhalten young Fahranfänger steht in eenem beonderen Fokus.

Soul-oriented traffic control

Dare would be osthessenweit controls with the Schwerpunkten function, power consumption messages or alcohol and dry state finds. It is possible that the political representatives look after their own interests and sensitize a safer Verkehrsteilnahme, so for more vertraffenzcherheit zu care.

Hintergrundinformation about ROADPOL (European Roads Policing Network)

“Borders überschreiten, um Leben zu retten!” ROADPOL is a European Police Network that aims to improve traffic safety. ROADPOL is a pillar for the “European Roads Policing Network”. Reforms with a European insurance company act as a non-governmental organization with Hauptsitz in Münster. The Police Network has developed the European Actions for the Regulations in the Traffic Sector of Police Officers. The main house is the reduzierung of the European Roads Getöteten and Schwerverletzten. ROADPOL has to do with the fact that the Verkehrsüberwachung and prevention are one of the best measures to reduce the Zahl of Verkehrsunfallopfern Leisten Wird. The Zentralen Ziele des Netzwerkes are:

– Reduction of traffic congestion on European roads
– Zusammenführung, Zusammenarbeit und Austausch practical Erfahrungen der Straßenverkehrsbehörden and Verkehrspolizeien in Europe
– Organization and coordination of European activities and campaigns
– Research and development initiatives in the field of traffic (mia/pm) +++