
Kongresshotel Potsdam – 20 Jahre Gastfreundschaft

Kongresshotel Potsdam – 20 Jahre Gastfreundschaft

PREGAS, Alexandra Bergerhausen, in interview with the Geschäftsführerin, Jutta Braun with 20th anniversary of Kongresshotel Potsdam

Freshly dressed, the Kongresshotel Potsdam is located in Bereich “Certified Conference Hotels” in the Kategorie at 150 Zimmer on 1. Platz. Geschäftsführerin Jutta Braun frut über den Preis, “there is, however, Lob and Anerkennung der Tagungsgäste and Kunden. This is extremely appropriate, because the 4-star hotel is expected to last 20 years!”

Was the hotel just outside the Lage am Templiner See, in the Bundeshauptstadt, the Tagungs- and Seminarräume or the large Kongress-Saal for 500 people? Jury-Mitglied Enisa Romanic, Vorsitzende des Branchenverbands bSb Modernes Secretariat and Office Professionals said: “Nicht nur die Vielzahl an Räumen Kracht das Hotel interesting for Firmenkunden, especially the quality of the gastronomy.” She knows the Hotel as Trainerin and is full des Lobes: “a well-earned first place!”.



We have been in conversation with Frau Braun:

Dear Frau Braun, the Kongresshotel Potsdam has celebrated its 20th anniversary. Who is planning to wait a few years to perform zurückzublicken?

Das Erste, was mir spontaneen infällt: Wo since die 20 Jahre? Und mein Bauchgefühl said: Everything is right!

Was the war the greatest personal challenge in those 20 years and a moment when he was beyond his control?

That was the Mut, on the top of the Templar Sees a day and conference hotel to open. Originally, the East German Sparkassen Academy focused on the Real Estate Initiative, which is the stride from the car and the foundations of a hotel management company. With the best results in the Kurzer Zeit, if this has a good separation war, the house gives an unchangeable profile – the architecture is not interesting – and the Kongresshotel Potsdam is located on the market.

A natural part of Teams is the team. It is an entity with a number of more than 21 nations.

There is a big war and a trustful and valuable communication. Because everyone has a well-functioning connection with the head and the bank, the hospitality with the heart is not in the dining room of Zahlen. Our Mut, new Way to go, has set itself apart.

That’s why we’re here. If you have a project “Travel for Everyone”, you purchase the opportunity to travel, so that all guests can have a stay in individual beds and a stay at a hotel in the hotel and their entire life.

The hotel has a grim appearance in the last two years. Was the hotel where the gemacht was, the best?

The previous construction of the construction of the Tagungs- and Congresshotel has done us good. The Entwicklung has a right, if it is only in the Congress Hall, on the 500 Teilnehmern Platz, erwies ich als Erfolgsfaktor – a fragmented space for large Tagungen and Congresses. Of course, in those 20 years there have been many Changes, Modernizations, New and Umbauten, an experience quality for our guests on the jetty, but in the core were and are in a Tagungs-, Congress and Eventhotel.

The guest also has his merits: She is a hotel teacher, a high quality of service, a culinary generation, friendly Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter and a hearty Willkommenskultur. All these investments and properties are connected.

With 40 people and a conference hall for 500 people, the Kongresshotel Potsdam is a fragmented place for business events. Was the power of the hotel in Ihren Augen unattractive for business customers?

Größe, Lage, Flexibility und Vielseitigkeit: We offer a wide Palette and Konferenzräumen, the Zeppelin Lounge, Workshop-Räume and Themen Restaurants.

It is possible to work in the Workation format, also the Combination von Tagung/Seminar and Erholung meist with a small partnehmerkreis of four bis sechs Personen.

Many modern technology investments and digital solutions for online conferences have been made. Many natural wool people can help us to work together and estimate the intestines for business activities and team buildings. Nothing is as attractive as our 4-star hotel is now for weekends and conferences. We have been in a modern wellness area for 4 years, a stay in a residential environment for wellness and sports. And Potsdam with its world culture and the Havelgewässern is still worth a trip. Our team has the power to undermine the weekend range. We take care with ausgezeichnetem Service and in cooperation with all others achieve that, that every design professional and reibungslos abläuft.

Die Lage in de Grünen with perfect Anbindung zur Potsdamer Innenstadt and nach Berlin, Restaurants und Bars, Veranstaltungsmöglichkeiten in Eventgarten and in our serem Gipfel Stüberl machen our hotel so attractive for the travel trip.

Very active: The direct connection from the airport BER to the congress hotel. The new connection from Potsdamer Bahnhof Pirschheide to the airport BER, brings our guest in just 23 minutes to a stress-free hotel. With the train and the bus you can go by car and car to the parking lots and E-charging stations, where you can find a round of Sorglos-An- and Abreise for our guests. If the taxi rank in the city is no longer ready, we can call the shuttle service ourselves.

2020 has a new wellness area. Who’s up for the atmosphere of staying and playing Theme Wellness in Ihrem Hotelkonzept?

Sowohl Business guests as well as privately traveled treasures who enjoy living in the 850 sqm large Wellbeing Area with Pool, Saunen and Fitness Area, which were newly opened in January 2020. “In the Balance of Tradition and Progress, we are always evolving and growing new ideas.”

Accommodation is a central theme at the Kongresshotel Potsdam. What is it for you, young people who want to use a large part of their lives, or one of the family men you need?

We have become bald after the start of the start of the houses, in the Australian and Weiterbildung to invest and explore one of the international markets. It is possible that the aftercare itself is displayed, while the Führungskräfte is being souled. So come we bisher gut through the Fachkräfte-Miscellaneous-Zeiten.

If one of the well-thought-out ideas occurs, a part of the factory of tomorrow will disappear. Our offers were started with an integration of the hotel and gastronomy tag of the 4-star houses. So start with this study with 15 young people in nice inexperienced agitators and study areas. In total we have 44 Auszubildende with high Übernahmechancen.

We can use a stable core shaft, a natural rear light from the Fachkräftemangel on a spur and recommend further improvements, especially in service.

Inspired by 230 people from 21 nations. We have started workshops to develop intercultural skills. The war is Hilfreich.

The problem is an important issue in the hotel industry. Well, the most important things have had a great influence on the Kongresshotel Potsdam, which is in the gestalten, and make a good plan to come in the coming years?

Before you are 15 years old, you have started preparing your business activities. If the “Green Hotel” is expanded, it will be a more intensive sale of a hotel, a Schutz of the Umwelt treatment and our guests can a verantwoordwortungsbewussteren that works in a good way.

Sustainability has become a celebration of the component of our corporate philosophy in recent years. It is not that the hotel facilities and amenities are larger than the reweighted hotels. There are large quantities where an honest and respectful presentation on the work platform and communication on the heights takes place. With our flexible team work time models, attractive compensation models, support for operational care, regular fortification and further education possibilities, the offers for health support and prevention.

Over the years, the digitalization processes of large numbers, a natural source of clean resources, costs and costs for the animation that will provide guests and team teams. A hotel is not interesting, but it is still a good thing. This most recent project is a renovation of the family apartments. This is the comings of the winter plant.

Intensive services with a theme energy efficiency and the like Answers to the question, which future raise and which power we use. A project has begun in this Rahmen to set up a historical project that will install a photovoltaic module.

I tried everything, it was a great experience. If we want more, we will make one of the culinary choices of vegan kitchen women and statements that we want to do more often.

A natural process is a standard process that AI is useful for, a problem, and a process that is effective in shaping.

Dear Frau Braun, were you planning to come to the Kongresshotel Potsdam for 20 years?

An event location and a standesamt am See. A beach for Potsdam-West in the height of the airport. Couples if you want: The guest arrives in 30 minutes from the flight, look online at one of the other minutes and see the other in an indoor pool. If it is not good quality!

After 20 years it was no longer formed, but after 20 years the Verantwortung died and the next generation passed away.

We will continue to enjoy the generation transition for a long time. On January 1, 2025, the Geschäftsführung des Hauss became an unapologetic stellvertretenden Geschäftsführer Thomas Zabel and our director Katrin Wesarg in the mountains. If all goes well, it will be possible to stop the air force from the conference hotels in Potsdam on the Kurs with a good cause.

Kongresshotel Potsdam 20. Jubilee: Thomas Zabel, stellv. Geschäftsführer, Ministerin Manja Schüle, Jutta Braun, Geschäftsführerin, Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Jörg Steinbach, Katrin Wesarg, Director

The Congress Hotel Potsdam

In 2004, it was expanded with the 4-star Haus in Potsdam, one of the most important day-, conference- and event hotels in the metropolitan region. Dort, where Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin left the aircraft, continued its innovative spirit. It is a modern digital solution that offers a long-term English strategy. The Potsdam Congress Hotel at Templiner See offers 452 rooms with 700 beds as well as 40 day-, day- and conference rooms for 500 people. In 2020, the 850 sqm gross Wellbeing Area with pool, sauna and fitness area was opened. The host family is the hotel’s own shipowner, which offers the most varied sports and leisure activities for its guests.

Congress Hotel Potsdam
Am Luftschiffhafen 1, 14471 Potsdam
Email: [email protected]

Image: Kongresshotel Potsdam

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