
These 2 pairs are still together after the last Staffel

These 2 pairs are still together after the last Staffel

These couples were together, still alive

1. Arne and Antje

Das Paar schwebte lange Zeit auf Wolke 7. The two of them live in a common living environment at Arnes Hof, which they are renovating, they move towards each other, and Antje becomes like Arne “Girls for everything” An! But that was not all: Von Heirat and common children were that Rede. Im Oster-Special 2023 fiel Antje vor Arne auf die Knie – both of which were lobed and plants in high time. “I was so soulless and often felt, it was my life for my own sin. Then I came to Arne and I never thought about it, that was how it was developed,” Stand the Medical Fußpflegerin. “Unbelievable”, so the moderator is in Wiedersehen. Do you want to enjoy the funky, unique übergesprung? „If I am happy with the results of the video, then I know, that is what it means,” bearded Antje. “I have read and read the text and read it, that is it.” Later you said: “The security that Arne gives me is so precious. I never thought that a person had become so good. It is the lie of the Lebens, which will be another creation.”

But in the summer of 2024, both of them will be back on a not-so-slightly sunny day. Fans feel that they both die in their stories, as they release the gelernste podcast and ohne Arne with his friend Michael Kaufmann, was his new Spekulationen führte. I am an interview with, that’s all “over and a” Hold discussions “über die zukünftige Ausrichtung der Hofkaserei”. I am September 2024 and die the Hiobsbotschaft on Instagram:

If you want to do something, it will happen someday. This separation is not an easy one, but it is the best for one of you,

war in my profile for lessons. In his Stories it is clear that Foreign Rumors says the following: “Wir haben uns berennt, Arne und ich, und alle, die irgendwie Drama haben wollen: Ich muss euch enttäuschen. Nein, we have been given a chance to get, We know what we know, but that is not the case.”