
CLC 2024: From DevOps with AI over Kubernetes Security to Nachhaltigkeit

CLC 2024: From DevOps with AI over Kubernetes Security to Nachhaltigkeit

Cloud-native software and management software for containers and Kubernetes can be frost-resistant for longer. The open source project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2024. In practice, this means that if the development and operational teams of the company cause a number of mismatches. The CLC conference – Continuous Lifecycle/ContainerConf – offers many opportunities to expand the fragmentation of Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Dev(Sec)Ops and GitOps, with a number of answers, know-how and support for the project so vermitteln. Experts for dev(sec) operations and platform technology have chosen the CLC for topics in those years: from AI tools to the next. Until September 23, tickets with a spring break can still be booked.


The mittlerweile elfte Auflage der iX und dpunkt.verlag organisierten Veranstaltung findet erneut im Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim statt – from 12. to 14. November 2024. And the two own conferences – 13. and 14. 11. – erwartet Teilnehmende in umfassendes Vortrags program, which is one of the jewel four Vortrags-Tracks sold. Over the course of 50 conversations, experts and experts detailed the core themes of Developer Experience, Platform Engineering, Dev(Sec)Ops and Continuous Delivery. The CLC 2024 is also set up with the help of AI-enabled DevOps, Kubernetes Security and FinOps as well as Nachhaltigkeit.

Timo Derstappen

Timo Derstappen

Timo Derstappen gives a glimpse in “Nachhaltigkeit in der Cloud”

(Image: Giant Swarm)

From 2025 onwards, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will make it mandatory to remove CO₂ emissions. Timo Derstappen has made an overview in his “Nachhaltigkeit in der Cloud”, while the interconnected adjustments are more important, a step-by-step process with the setting and handling of software-connected CO₂ fußabdruck only the first initial best efforts could be made.

Madlen Steven played a role in the work of the Platform Engineering Teams of RTL Data.

(Image: RTL Data)

Madlen Steven received a Praxis message that RTL Data’s Platform Engineering Team has used, the resources have redeveloped more than 100 Kubernetes clusters – and Cloud costs have increased.

In his Vortrag “GenAI to the Rescue – Schluss mit inconsistenten Anforderungen und manuell erstellten Testfällen” teilen beispielsweise Steffen Schluff und Isaac Besalel Watnik ihre in a Leuchtturmprojekt gesammelten Erfahrungen, who is the Arbeitsabläufe im Test- und Anforderungsmanagement mittels GenAI lassen optimizing.

John Fletcher and Daniel Hartung provide the delivery of Entwicklerinnen and Entwicklern in practice with the most powerful AI-Tools, which can use swirling Help in programming instructive tasks. If you get one of the best tips, the work that in welchem ​​​​Szenario is the best, and you get right to your most relevant fragment.

Further highlights from the programme:

On November 12, the morning of the main conference, is interested in the right location, in nice, non-stop morning workshops with the know-how of the stakeholders. The practical experience and tutorials offer a comprehensive theme, from Observability over CI/CD and Kubernetes to Site Reliability Engineering.

End of Continuous Lifecycle & ContainerConf 2023

Tickets for the Konferenz are the Workshops that are of interest for September 23. Frühbucherpreis with 200 Euro Rabatt each. The price of the Konferenzticket is 1049 Euro (all prices incl. MwSt.), for the Combiticket from Konferenz and 1-Tages-Workshop it is 1599 Euro. The total welding workshops cost 649 euros each. Teams or groups of three people automatically appear at 15 Prozent Rabatt in Ticketshop.

If the Fortgang of the CLC is aware, you may be on the website of the continuous lifecycle for the newsletter registration, or on the Veranstaltern on LinkedIn following – the active hashtag will be #CLC_Conf.
