
It is a good idea to spend the year

It is a good idea to spend the year

Berlin Beats besuchten 2023 rund 50.000 Menschen. Take a look at the DJ-Reihe erneut statt in those years

Berlin Beats besuchten 2023 rund 50.000 Menschen. Take a look at the DJ-Reihe erneut statt in those years Photo: Alexander Rentsch

By Michael Zöllner

The Museum Hamburger Bahnhof is one of the oldest Häuser der Stadt. Jetzt die Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart ihre Plane für 2025 vor.

The next DJ-Reihe Berlin Beats des Hamburger Bahnhofs is appreciated for a year. There are many stories about international DJs who stir up their music. In 2023, around 50,000 visitors came.

The factory that is in charge of the Festival-Wochenende Open House will become cost-losing Führungen in 2025. An e-ticket can be used for the content.

Was the factory the Hamburger Bahnhof für Ausstellungen?

Eight contemporary artists and artists were presented in Hamburger Bahnhof during the year. The joy of the artistic life in Berlin, with the General Direction Mitteilte.

Klára Hosnedlová, Susan Philipsz, Petrit Halilaj, Annika Kahrs, Saâdane Afif, Ayoung Kim, Delcy Morelos and Toyin Ojih Odutola see, among other things, Installations, Videos, Zeichnungen or Skulpturen in their Ausstellungen.

The works are described with themes such as “knowledge of the native population, or kollektives Träumen”. Obendrein can offer the Nationalgalerie der Moderne with the Veranstaltungsreihe “Crossroads” a new collaboration with the House of Literature Berlin, while the Art and Literature games begin.


Ausstellung Berliner Kultur Hamburger Bahnhof Kunstausstellung