
Their journey on the Bahngleise – Polizei ist vor Ort

Their journey on the Bahngleise – Polizei ist vor Ort

For one hundredweights, the serious problems are felt. Both Hunde buxen aus, nur ihr Dackel comes with Verletzungen zurück. The Federal Police is still there.

While the Federal Police are sounding the alarm, the railway lines near Elze (Hildesheim District) will become their main force. The Lokführer a Güterzuges sah auf signal Fahrt die Tiere auf the Gleisen and konnte no more Rechtzeitig bremsen.

Before the Bundespolizists have a “quick-bendigen Rauhaardackel”, they have ended up in a service relationship. The second dog has always made every spur.

Zwischenzeitlich the 63-year-old Hundebesitzerin would have been finally empowered. If you go, both Hunde will have run away. One of the wars inzwischen with verletzungen am Körper zurück nach Hause kommen. Offenbar wurde das Tier von dem Güterzug erasst. Ihren Rauhaardackel missing sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt aber noch.

Both Bundespolizisten are dependent on the representation of the little Hundes. “Nachdem there was a continuous flow, you could continue with your time and well-being and the happy endings were born”, according to the Beamten mit.

If the mass intake has to leave the railway line to be blocked for a while, it will be wasted if it is swum.