
Keine Zusagen and Söder Von dpa-AFX

Keine Zusagen and Söder Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The CDU vice-chancellor and designated Unions chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz has helped the CSU vice-chancellor Markus to promote his own interests for his loyalty. “I need Markus Söder dafür nichts anzubieten,” Merz said in the ARD. There is a problem with the way you can spend part of the time digesting.

Selbstverständlich, the CSU became “an important role in one of the Bundesregierung established by the Union”, Merz said. “Aber Zusagen brauchte ich nicht zu machen. Es geht um den gemeinsamen Erfolg.”

Merz stimmte etwas zurückhaltend Söders A coalition with the Greens towards the Bundestagswahl zu. “Obviously, I would like to see it better: I will never be able to see it again. We will see it in the evening, but it will be different if we look at it.”

If you look at both parties, the spectrum of the political part of the party “who are in the fight with our Wählerinnen and Wählern and our Mitgliedern is such an aversion to the Party of the Greens”, as Merz. “The Greens are separated from us – with their art of politics, with their standard form, with their regularization, with their technical perfection.” Es liege an den Grünen, dies zu ändern.

Asked after his age of 69 to the time point of the next Bundestag choice in September 2025, Merz said, there is a year long thorough during the checking of the weld. “If I have no power, the problem or the bad care is one of my healthy things. I can find it good for this office.”

He was in the family, like the CDU-Vorsitzende. Seine Großeltern seien über 90 Jahre alt zijn, seine Mutter sei 96, sein Vater 100. “Also I have biological nor any Jahre vor mir.