
Während Rettungseinsatz: German stirbt nach Hai-Angriff for the Canarians

Während Rettungseinsatz: German stirbt nach Hai-Angriff for the Canarians


During the return periodDeutsche stirbt nach Hai-Angriff for the Canarians

The assembly is a 30-year-old German citizen and a plate of hubschraubers of the Spanish Luftwaffe-verstorben. It is a matter of a Hai in the Atlantic Ocean.

Florian Osterwalder

Florian Osterwalder

The Montag is a 30-year-old German citizen and a board of a hubschraubers of the Spanish Luftwaffe, after he has found a Hai in the Atlantic Ocean, and 514 kilometers from the Canary Islands, which can become war. It is about the Spanish Luftwaffe with. The Frau war with a Katamaran-on the way, as the Vorfall-kurz before 16 Uhr (Canarian Time) on higher seas, and 180 kilometers east of the city of Dakhla (Sahara), geschah.

The Spanish Seenotrettung, which together with the Moroccan Navy is responsible for the international rescue operations in the region, was bitten at 15:55 hours by the British Katamarans «Dalliance Chichester» to Hilfe. Resources in the region use the Moroccan guideline with the einsatz and the Spanish operation.

Hai-Angriffe in the region is the most selected

Such a rettungshubschrauber (SAR) of the Spanish Luftwaffe in Gran Canaria travels around 8 p.m. one and after the lost Frau and Bord. It was a pain to evacuate, even if they were lost, they were still waiting for the flues to remain silent and stiff on their way to the Hospital Doctor Negrín in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Hai-Angriffe is better selected in the region. Laut dem international Register für die Zwischenfälle de des Naturkundemuseum von Florida wurden in der Geschichte der Kanarischen Inseln now sechs bestätigte and ein weiterer possible Vorfall with Haien dokumentiert.

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