
Marbach: LETsDOK in September 2024

Marbach: LETsDOK in September 2024

Marbach: LETsDOK in September 2024


Filmmaker Sabine Willmann works, coordinates and organizes the LETsDOK series in Baden-Württemberg with the communal useful association docfilm42 and young youth, young adults and all other interested parties on September 24, 2024 at 3:45 PM in the Treff Q gathering center it’s a thing.

Unter dem Titel Wahrheit en Glaubwürdigkeit?! It’s a challenge, craft that you can use to separate bad guys from your kitchen. Workshop leader Sascha Seidel explains the Hierarchy of images, images and text and explains them
Workshop components from the perspective of the formatting method. Soul is the Schärfung der Sinne bei Medienkonsumentinnen and Medienconsumenten. The theme became Echokammern and which Rolling the Medien played here.
The LETsDOK-Veranstaltung of docfilm42 eV found in Kooperation mit der Stadt Marbach am Neckar und de Stadtmarketing Schillerstadt Marbach eV statt. The Alliance for Beteiligung eV ermöglicht mit ihrem Förderprogramm „Beteiligungstaler. Project Fund for the Development of Public Health and Citizenship” in the Medienworkshop maßgeblich mit.
Ein Kurzfilmabend mit Podiumdiscussion (, at the Stadt Marbach Mitveranstalterin ist, find the day at 6.30 pm in the Stadthalle Marbach stat. Hotel Silber – New information from Studentinnen der Merz Akademie Hochschule für Gestaltung,
Art and Medien Stuttgart recherchiert de Geschichte des Hotels, das von 1933 bis Kriegsende württembergisches Hauptquartier der NS-Geheimpolizei (Gestapo) war. The film DEMOKRATIE SIND WIR would be by Schülerinnen and Schülern der Tobias-Mayer-Gemeinschaftsschule Marbach a veranstaltung zur Demokratieörderung in April 2024 in Marbach with MrWissen2go (also known as Mirko Drotschmann) Fragen rund um Demokratie gedreht.
After the film discussion by the film makers Ann-Cathrin Schlieder, Isabella Solarte Llanos, Friedemann Rincke vom Haus der Geschichte and Experte in Film Hotel Silber, Thomas Franke von der Landeszentrale für Political Bildung, by the 16-year-old Marbacher Stadttrat Phileas Hammer, Protagonist aus dem Film DEMOKRATIE ZIND WIR, a film school / a film school of the film team and its community science lehrer, who can work and work in a democracy. It may be that there are the first outbursts of young communal politicians who come from the Sprache to film shops. Das Publikum is unladen mitzudiskutieren. Moderation: Sabine Willmann
I started the podium discussion from 20:30 and eat a snack and a drink. All interests are herzlich inladen.
The story and the sale of both are free of charge, a registration at [email protected] would be appreciated.
Info directly about Film “Demokratie sind wir”:
Info about the film “Hotel Silber”:
Abgerundet became the documentary film stage in Marbach with the film VIVAS – met wollen leben! von Angélica Cruz Aguilar ( am 28.
September 2024 at 7:30 PM in the Marbacher Alexanderkirche. Watch the fictional Kurzfilm Die dringlichsten Sehnsüchte der Eleonore Schwarz von Anna Mönnich ( gezeigt. I found a film with director Angélica Cruz Aguilar statt.
Moderation: Sabine Willmann
It is a collaboration between docfilm42 eV and the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Marbach in Rahmen from LETsDOK.

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