
DEL vor Saisonstart – Playdowns or relegation: Eihockeyclubs für Abstiegsreform – Sport

DEL vor Saisonstart – Playdowns or relegation: Eihockeyclubs für Abstiegsreform – Sport

Neuss (dpa) – The Augsburger Panther in the Donnerstag wins the ERC Ingolstadt in the 31. Spielzeit of the Deutschen Eishockey Liga, where other sports artists are unusual. Sowohl 2023 als auch in diesem Frühjahr stiegen die Schwaben sportlich namlich ab. Now there are two jewels in a team in the DEL2 Meister Wurde, the wirtschaftlich nicht eigen konnte, blieb Augsburg jewels first class.

It is a fact that the cold in the German Eishockey right for the Saisonstart at Donnerstag (7.30 PM/MagentaSport) Wide position in the DEL – also from etlichen Clubs, that is the whole Voraussicht nach keine Sorgen een Abstieg machen müssen.

“A clear system, which requires a direct start and finish, where I think the best solution is”, said Coach Tom Pokel of the Straubing Tigers to the Deutschen Presse-Agentur and the sports director of the Cologne club, Matthias Baldys, said: “If we join the League, we will opt for the complex set-up and dismantling regulations of a mode, which will provide all teams and fans with a legal offer, but they will put an end to the tension and make economic sense.”

Kuriose Besonderheit in Eihockey

The best regulation is suitable for fans for knowledge and for DEL-Letzten no longer for Freude. When the Panther in the past both years long was not wussten, in the Welcher Liga played he, lost his whirlwind time for the Kaderplanung. It is not easy to get the wirtschaftlichen and rightful Rahmenbedingungen in both leagues. Niece of the Manager of Iserlohn Roosters, Axel Müffeler, provided the “Planungssicherheit” for the sports abstainer.

The world is not in the new season. From the DEL2 only Kassel, Dresden, Rosenheim, Landshut and Krefeld will be the economic promotions. Now that a few teams are playing at the end of the Play-offs, it is getting a bit more exciting and better. The table ending of the DEL would again be a good place to be.

Nürnberg’s Manager Ustorf is for Playdowns in der DEL (Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa)

Many coaches and managers are busy with the end of the main round before the match of the Playdown games, a sport where the last training is given. “That would be worth 100 percent”, said Etwa Nuremberg manager Stefan Ustorf. His Düsseldorf college Niki Mondt has the final advantage of this mode: “In addition, the ‘wartime’ should be avoided.”

DEL-Chef Tripcke lehnt Playdowns noch ab

DEL-Geschäftsführer Gernot Tripcke bezeichnet mögliche Playdowns indes als “Schnapsidee” en late diese noch ab. “That was not the case, but it was more unfriendly,” said Tripcke, confirming that the best regulation of the societies of the clubs was achieved.

“Der Nachteil ist: You come with these four Clubs in Abstiegsgefahr”, argumentierte Tripcke, deutete aber an, that is the best regulation also aus seiner Sicht not optimal is: “Gerade einer ist schlimm genug, aber wenn nor more nicht plans können, true es noch schlimmer.”

The clubs’ sports elections see it differently and will provide more arguments for playdowns. “For the fans to enjoy greater tension,” said Manager Daniel Heinrizi of the Lowen Frankfurt. Kölns Sportlicher Leiter Baldys verwies zem auf wirtschaftliche Vorteile durch more Spiele.

Watch the Relegationsspiele an option

There are all sorts of alternative Vorschläge. “I’m allowed to use the Play-In mode, with the Meister of the second league, a team in the DEL league. So a rule would reject the fair option,” said Schwenningens coach Steve Walker.

All clubs see jedenfalls Änderungsbedarf. “Grundsätzlich ich die Auf- und Abstiegsregulation critic, eine Aufstockung der Liga wäre aus mener Sicht erbenswerter,” says Iserlohns Müffeler. “When it’s time to ask a bigger question, a man can become vulnerable. If you want to do one of the best things, this is a good thing.”

In Augsburg, people see the Sache pragmatically inzwisch. “The rules are over, with no more modes. It is now a fact that the main run is not used as a Letzter”, said the new sports director Larry Mitchell. It is a question of living in the front yard and that of the woman without any restrictions.

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