
What other option is there for all Nutzers

What other option is there for all Nutzers

Microsoft has adjusted the login method for Outlook, the Sicherheit is higher. The next option is all the Utility of Outlook, a version of Microsoft 365, Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013.

Outlook: Microsoft works with sign-in options

Outlook Nutzer should set one of the following options: Microsoft sets Outlook now at that time Token-based authentication OAuth 2. The result is a higher Maß an Sicherheit – en power herkömmliche Passwörter überflüssig.

Authentication is possible User name and password are set during the new system. They applaud Microsoft for being alert and for reducing security risks. The threats can be reported and information cannot be deleted. The new system is since September 16 My name is Einsatz (Quelle: Microsoft).

With the einführung of the token-basierten-authentifizierung müssen Nutzer Ability to activate your email programthere are more emails you can receive. For Outlook-Nutzer-gibt this is more possibilities: Add a new version of Outlook or you can reset the automatic account configuration. Other versions of Outlook 2007 or 2010 unterstützen nicht those new Security standards.

Nuts of Mozilla Thunderbird with recommendations, the server settings and OAuth2 as the authentication method to use. Au Apple Email Supports modern authentication by default. Here a message can be made that the contact is new.

No Outlook: OAuth 2.0 still reliable

OAuth 2.0 is getting less of great customer and online services available. You can run the tests on Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Twitter. There are platforms with GitHub, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Spotify and Instagram for OAuth 2.0 with authentication.

When binding access codes with OAuth 2.0:

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