
ARD starts with a new Sketch Comedy with 17 stars

ARD starts with a new Sketch Comedy with 17 stars

The first part of the season is a new season, at the shipping place on Friday at 21:45, a new comedy format that has been put together – and that can be put on prominent names. “Smeilingen – A village like you and me” is the title of a new sketch comedy, which has been released with a cast of 17 prominent people, including actors, comedians and moderators, daherkommt. They all fall into the roles of the mitunter schrulligen and eigenwilligen, but dear village residents.

Uwe Ochsenknecht is the egocentric mayor, Cordula Stratmann and Katrin Bauerfeind who have not reached the end of their lives, but Zwillinge, Heino Ferch and Hannes Jaenicke die from the Dorf-Cops. Phil Laude is – as in the series “Almania” – Expert Frank Stimpel, Elena Uhlig are the most ambitious pharmacists and Mirja Boes are the best in the world. Michelle Hunziker is the famous Michelle Hunziker in the Dating-Glück, Tony Bauer and Negah Amiri of the fresh Zugezogene Influencer couple and Jorge González of the Australian Austauschlehrer. Tim Alberti is the über-committed Postbote, Martin Klempnow of the ideereiche Pfarrer and Christine Neubauer who are determined Gastwirtin. Nico Stank is the strange supermarket sales and Armin Rohde the choleric football coach.

You will see that it takes 30 minutes before you follow “Smeilingen – Ein Dorf wie Du und Ich” on 1. November, the jewelry will be released at 21:45 in the morning. The staffel was on October 31 in the ARD-Mediathek to Abruf. The production of the format of Constantin Entertainment under the SWR federation.

Otto Steiner
© Eva Zocher Photography

“Gemeinsam mit dem SWR has made a sketch comedy for the ARD development, which is still in Germany in that form, gab”, says Otto Steiner, Managing Director and producer of Constantin Entertainment. “‘Smeilingen’ is a symbiosis of sketch comedy and comedy series in a fictional village, the tough and cheesy inhabitants of a for this genre is unchanged and high-quality star cast played. Best entertainment with the credible stars of the countries, who have the sketch links in hand. What will you do more?

Christian Kleinau, Abteilungsleiter Show & Musik at SWR: “Wir sind stollz, dass wir gemeinsam mit Constantin Entertainment diese new Sketch-Comedy for the ARD entwickeln cannten. ‘Smeilingen’ is the fast perfect Dorf, with perhaps Ecken and Kanten, aber for All with all fell Herz.”

Nun bleibt abzuwarten, ob uch das Publikum Gefallen and them new Format findet. Zuletzt hatte Das Erste in Frühjahr 2023 de Freitags-Sendeplatz at 21:45 Uhr kurzzzeitig with Comedy bespielt – damals lief from the Format “Comedy rettet die Welt”, that is jedoch nur schwache Quoten verzeichnete and daraufhin nicht more fortgesetzt wurde.