
That’s a new job at Europarat

That’s a new job at Europarat

New job

Berset started in Strasbourg – it is a war like Generalsekretär des Europarats

The long-term SP health minister has been concerned about his prestige efforts in Strasbourg. Aufgaben, Lohn, Prioritäten: the most important responses to Alain Berset’s new Stelle.

On 25 June, Alain Berset, 52, was the first Swiss to be appointed to the General Secretary of the European Council. I think the SP Bundesrat elected the first Arbeitstag for a five-year term of office. This was more than eight months after the government had separated from the government, which was to focus on the political Parkett.

What is Berset’s new edition?

Alain Berset is the new head chef of 1800 Mitarbeitenden and has an annual budget of around 625 million francs. It is a fact that the institution Europarat possibly functions.

If this happens, there is a question about the internationals Parkett: Alt Bundesrat Alain Berset spoke after the signal to the new General Secretariat of the Europarats.

If this happens, there is a question about the internationals Parkett: Alt Bundesrat Alain Berset spoke after the signal to the new General Secretariat of the Europarats.

Photo: Keystone (Strasbourg, June 25)

Other representatives of the organization of the international Public Prosecution Service, which has the general protection of the protocol knowledge of Europarats, have established a head of state. Prepared next week for the appointment of the heads of state in the Council of the UN General Assembly to New York.

Who deserves Berset?

Take the Grundlohn for the General Secretariat of a beef 218,000 Euro, Berset with the same Zulagen comes to a Gehalt of über 300,000 Francs in a year. You can find a service limousine with driver who provides the service at the villa Massol in Zentrum Strassburg. The Herrschaftliche Stadtpalais (Baujahr 1884) with 900 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche as well as Hof und Garten serves as the Residenz des Generalsekretärs.

Alain Berset's new residence: the Villa Massol in Strasbourg.

Alain Berset’s new residence: the Villa Massol in Strasbourg.

Image: Anthony Anex/KEY

When the Bundesrat makes a decision on one of the most important Ruhe contents. This entspricht der half of the active Jahreslohns für ein Bundesratsmitglied (knapp 473,000 Francs), also run by 236,000 Francs. In its new position, there will be a unique Federal Council for an Einkommen, which together with the Ruhegehalt über dem Jahreslohn are an amtierenden Bundesratsmitglieds that come lying down, so the Ruhegehalt would be entsprechend kürzt. It would be about Berset der Fall signal.

What is the European Council?

The Europarat is the most important human rights institution in Europe – and that is not the case with the European Union (EU) if that is so. There are 46 member states; Switzerland has been one since 1969. It is a central place where the einsatz for human rights, democratic grounds and constitutional principles are exercised.

By the European Council, which has introduced 225 Delays and Conventions, the allermeisten will not be approved by all Mitgliedsstaat ratification. I can test the European Convention on Human Rights (EMRC). A part of the wait at the European Court of Human Rights (EGMR) – here an appeal is made to a Begriff, because the Complaint of the Klimaseniorinnen has received the right to Switzerland.

Did Bersets have priority since then?

First priority is the war in Ukraine, says Berset after his choice in June. The Europarat has started the foundations for a special court, a register for war damages in Ukraine. If you want to do that, you can put the machine in the future damage calculations possible.

The former Bundesrat has taken over power, the European Union has established its power and the “divergent forces” on the continent and that has led to the pressure by the rule of law and democracy that has made itself strong.