
Oumou Barry is the first German with Halbprofi status

Oumou Barry is the first German with Halbprofi status

Originated in Australia: This is the first Deutschweizerin with Halbprofi-Status

With the Abgang von Oumou Barry, the Luzern Dangels lost a long Leistungsträgerin in the summer. In France, the large amount of money is played on the ongoing national spielerin.

“It wasn’t that I was born in Sinn, but I said that the year 2021 was a success, as one of the years in England. Oumou Barry, 27, would like to study and study, while he experiences the robbery and the passerelle. “Ich willte die Sicherheit haben, eenmal zu Können zu, egal was passiert”, so the learned Sickness Swede.

The season can begin: Oumou Barry in FC Grenoble Rugby jersey.

The season can begin: Oumou Barry in FC Grenoble Rugby jersey.


Now Barry had his three weeks in France playing and the top club FC Grenoble Rugby playing in the top French League. If the fight is for a certain month, you can use the Abschlüsse for the Zugang of the Uni in the Bag, and a French language. If you have a structure, the combination of Ausbildung and Leistungssport is possible – and ergriff de Chance. It is the first Deutschschweizer Rugby match that is in Ausland a Vertrag ist. A Westschweizer is a player in the team of the French League.

The Dangels are for their family

Barry, who starts in Australia, never comes out of the closet. “I have always invested a lot, eh as well as possible”, so die 27-years. For eight years Barry has followed his national cadre in the 15er and 7er rugby. “Oumou plays an important role for one, who wins the swimming competition and the team that plays the game wins and gains in victory”, says Sébastien Dupoux, technical director and sports director of the Swiss Rugby association.

With the Dangels, the Frauen of the Rugby Clubs Luzern, who played with Mal in the Schweizer Meisterin Series in those years. Neither prägender assolche Erfolge since there were strong team spirit. “Wir were een Haufen Frauen, die alle auf irgendeine Weise and others Orten nicht hineingepasst haten, en zijn zijn zijnzuammenfanden.” Barry zum Beispiel tanzte in others Sportarten from the Reihe, we will be so rude, or in his Einsatz to the war. For “one of the greatest times ever”, which has been spent with his herzenverein, depends on the new years of Zurich after Lucerne.

Ex-Schlüsselspielerin der Luzern Dangels: An Oumou Barry bissen sich Gegnerinnen die Zähne aus.

Ex-Schlüsselspielerin der Luzern Dangels: An Oumou Barry bissen sich Gegnerinnen die Zähne aus.

Photo: Manuela Jans-Koch (Lucerne, 11. 6. 2022)

Also in France a certain Leaderin

By the end of August, the native Guinean lived in Grenoble, around two hours south of Geneva. “I’ve thought about it, it’s just a matter of time,” I said about a few weeks in France. “If I see that the Anschluss is financed, one can issue a violation and a passing order.”

Make sure Barry has a pre-training for the Medizinstudium. If you follow a training program, this is the professional profi of a flexible study model to make a profit. The company has outsourced its finances and generally invested in the professionalization of the Frauenrugby’s, so Barry.

From the age of 27, it is one of the last matches in the team. If you make a mistake, it is so that it is in nature, while you can never take a new flight. «Man gibt mir den Raum dafür, was ich sehr schätze», so Barry. “There is a big robbery for an offensive project that you can undertake in a new way on social media.

“That’s more than enough”

Ihre Offensivekraft was forced away in France from Beginn. «Mir fiel sofort auf, wie schnell is everything here. The game has become more intense, the camps are more intense and it is even worse, Barry has the Unterschiede zum Rugbysport in Switzerland.

Gemäss Dupoux has shaken up Frauenrugby here. “It will be a great experience in two years, since Switzerland is a German destination in the Zahl der Spielerinnen 8 und 18 Jahren,” he said. In these days, the first Rugby Academy started in Yverdon for a lot of talent among women and men.

On September 29, Barry appears with the Amazons, who plays the women’s team of FC Grenoble Rugby, with the Seasonal Offshoot. The soul of the new season? “Overleben” thought they laughed and fought: “The team has a lot of fun, I have Erwartungen a little selber. If the dish would become a dish, it was possible to play a game. Gleichzeitig but also den Spass heeft, den ich auf dem Feld schon immer hatte. “