
A Türöffner on the dark page of digitalization

A Türöffner on the dark page of digitalization

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A Türöffner on the dark page of digitalization
The Ausstellung “Coltan ist keine Zahncreme” said the end goal, as man lives, the Rohstoffe for our smartphones and laptops. © Hartmut Hientzsch

With the motto “Coltan is not a piece of cream” you can relax with digital tools and Nachhaltigkeit in the Blickpunkt.

Swabian Gmünd. “KI, Coltan und Kant” title of Programmheft 2024/2 of VHS and starts with a previous semester, with VHS-Leiterin Ingrid Hofmann erläutert. Angeregt von Soroptimist Aalen und Schwäbisch Gmünd entstande een Ausstellung met Britta Sturm um das Thema Coltan und de Abbaubedingungen .

The development of digitalization

A beginning of the situation in Eastern Congo, where Erden Columbit and Tantalit would develop, would be as Gemisch Coltan erggeben. There is a foundation for sensors, plates, capacitors and festivities for electronic products, which use your tags. The well-known digitalization possibilities provide an unintegrated foundation. Rival rebel groups can use one of these substances, women and children for 25 years in Congo to perform a “labor condition”. It is a more brutal criticism that a reichmachtig loot is. Director Susanne Babila watched the film “Im Schatten des Bösen” during a trip to Congo. She appeared in 2008 during the Deutschen Humanrechtspreis.

The film, Drehstart 2007, said a situation, however active with the Drehzeit, that few people are. If you have a new handy or tablet, this unclear situation is no longer possible. The labor conditions and sexual activities of women and children are unsatisfactory.

During the discourse and waltzing, the women and women lead to unimaginable forgetfulness and schmerzen. Ihr Unterleib wird innerlich zerfetzt, ihre Körper von Schlägen and Schnitten brutal geschädigt.

In 2018, gynecologist Denis Mukwege received the Friedensnobel Prize for another work at the Seinem Hospital in Bukavu. During operations and procedures, the disgraced women and women are a kind of problem-free life.

If a new month is near the Krankenhauss, then it may be that he is in his Dörfer zurück. Dort erwartet see other Leid. For Ehemänner and Väter sind Vergewaltigungen a “Shame”. They move away. A Tragödie: Die Frauen und Mädchen sind wieder ohne Schutz, die Männer und Väter “sind mit oder ohne sie ruiniert”.

There are higher prices for globalization and technology

The Ausstellung said about a new Säulen in the Foyer of the VHS themes that are the Krieges and their inhumanschlichkeit. On a “Schicksalstisch” lying black card with names. The description of the naming stägerinnen is written on the back. It is an effort to make the difference between the two works of art. Inès Germans Skulptur illustrates the Auseinandersetzung of digital Situation and entstehendem Müll, Ilknur Azaplioglu, Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klosterschule schufen an expressive collage uit de excessive des Digitalen.

If you want to use the end information of the Ausstellung in Sinne von Kant, you can operate the Verstandes or Leitung an other, a Bewustsein voor de Dauer des Gebrauchs der digital Werkzeuge that you acquire. De Ausstellung ist Beispiel: De Stelen sind aus Pappe, met Wasserkanistern beschwert.

Gut zu eraser:Über die Ausstellung

“Coltan is a new product – Digitalisierung und der Krieg gegen die Frauen im Kongo” is in the Foyer of the VHS since 19. November you will see the arrival of the VHS in the VHS Schwäbisch Gmünd, Münsterplatz 15, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd.