
Biden plans offenbar ersten offiziellen Besuch in Germany

Biden plans offenbar ersten offiziellen Besuch in Germany

Please let us know if you are aware of the US President Joe Biden’s media reports, and the German government is abzustatten. Danach is nach Africa.

US President Joe Biden plans a median message to leave the Amt a Besuch in Germany. The US-Zeitung “The Hill” reported on a message about Bidens Umfeld, the Demokrat wants to travel to Berlin in Mid October, before there is a new flight to Africa. Erwartet became a state system in the German Hauptstadt. An official order is no longer possible.

Das Weiße Haus does not respond to the message to a message. A part of the Bundesregierung wants there to be no talk of an eruption, but it is not the case that the Office of the Federal President is a state activity. Also the US-Botschaft in Berlin has a beddeck and is working on the White House.

It was the first bilateral Besuch Bidens in the German Hauptstadt as president. The Demokrat hatte 2022 zwar am G7-Gipfel in Elmau teilgenommen and bei otherr Opportunity on the Military Base in Ramstein a Tankstopp with seinem Regierungsflieger eingelegt, Deutschland während signal Präsidentschaft bislang aber weer a Labor- nor a Staatsbesuch abgestattet.

The 81 years will break up in January. There is a big pressure on the own party of the Wahlkampf in July for a sweaty American time and the stellvertreterin Kamala Harris on the field.

Also Bidens visit in Africa is not official. There is a long journey across the African continent, which is still ongoing. Zuletzt hadte Biden Reportern has done the best, that is a visit in the area of ​​Angola. Details are not true.